My DD is attending orientation in a couple weeks. I was hoping to find out what she can expect. I believe she will sign up for fall classes. Is there any testing to determine class placement (math, foreign language, etc?). Also, we have heard that some students try to identify a roommate while at orientation, I assume based on connections through social activities. She’s an athlete and has an interest in rooming with another athlete, although not from her team. Any details appreciated.
You meet with advisor and sign up for classes. I think there is info on e-campus about placement in math and foreign language. You are placed in activities with your RLC at orientation so it is a time you could look into finding a room mate. But don’t worry if your student doesn’t, they can still go random and because of the surveys they fill out, it usually works out really well. If an athlete, it can be good to room with other athletes from the standpoint they are on a similar training and sleep schedule, whether the same or different sport, that commonality can be good - as well as the need to take care of oneself physically (eating well, not partying, etc).