SEAS ED Applicant

<p>What do you guys think my chances of getting in are?
I'm applying for electrical engineering</p>

SAT I (by section): M800, V700, W740. T2240
SAT IIs: Math II 800, Physics 760, US History 740
APs: 5's on all except AP Lang (will have taken 9 by end of senior year)
UM-GPA: 3.80 unweighted</p>

Essays (subject and responses): Good
Teacher Recs:Good
Counselor Rec:Good hopefully</p>

State or Country:China
School Type: Private School. School's SAT average: 1920
Ethnicity: Asian

<p>General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
Results in 5 days. I am scared.</p>

<p>you have a good chance…
your school sat avg is very high!
any leadership roles in ec?</p>

<p>good luck! :slight_smile: i aappplied ED to SEAS too! :)</p>

<p>not bad at all</p>

<p>very very good chances…
wait a international school in china have APs?? wow…</p>

<p>Yeah I have a few leadership roles. Secretary and Senator of the Student Council, Captain of the Basketball team, and Varsity Girls Softball Assistant Coach/Manager for two years. Is that enough?</p>

<p>And does your ability to play sports set you apart from other applicants, or does it only set you apart if you’re good enough to play on a Varsity team at the university?</p>

<p>T-minus 3.5 days.</p>

<p>I think you have good chance!</p>

<p>“Varsity Girls Softball Assistant Coach/Manager for two years”
they let boys coach/manage girls teams? Interesting</p>

<p>Good chance, only thing is being an international student makes it harder.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’ve always wondered whether I was an international applicant or not? I am a US citizen but I currently reside in China. When I apply, am I filed as international or not? If I am international, then I think that’ll put me in a worse position. </p>

<p>T-3 days</p>