Second Bachelors in Engineering , have a BA economics

Hello all ,
So I have a BA in economics in my first bachelors and I graduated two years ago and have had trouble finding an actual professional full time job so have been working part time retail jobs while making up some courses to go for a masters in economics . However , while taking classes I have just found myself bored of economics and feel like I just don’t have a passion for it . I was looking into possibly going for a second bachelors in engineering and also getting a masters in it on the way . I am 26 years old about to be 27 .
So far I have taken only calc 1 and sciences only biology 1 . The reason why I am looking at engineering is because I was always intrigued in its hands on approach , designing , and innovation . I also feel like engineering can do a lot more to make an impact in the world than economics . I was wondering if any of you went through the same thing and is it worth it ? Or should I just stick with economics ? Also how long would it take ?