<p>Okay this is kind of my venting but today I got 3 detentions and I've only had 1 in the past 2 years up until now. The first one was from pantsing a girl in my gym class (a big thing in my school, apparently not anywhere else) which I stupidly did in front of the dean of students. Second one for talking during theology class where I and everyone else talks all the time and she never cared until today. The third was for wearing regular sneakers instead of regulation black sneakers. Ugh, I don't even know how I'm going to get my parents to bring me into school an hour early for three days.</p>
<p>pulling a girl’s pants down could be taken as sexual harassment. at a different school, you could have been suspended.</p>
<p>Yes, pantsing = risky and likely a bad idea, especially in front of the dean.</p>
<p>Sorry about your other detentions.</p>
<p>raiderade are you a guy? Just wondering…</p>
<p>You deserve to be expelled, sicko.</p>
<p>Wow pantsing someone? That’s incredibly rude and immature. You deserve more than a just a detention for that.</p>
<p>1st was a bad idea, the other two, im sorry.</p>
<p>people pants girls? since when?</p>
<p>I’m guessing you’re a guy, simply because I just don’t see a girl finding pantsing another girl to be funny. Be happy you weren’t expelled.</p>
<p>I’m not a guy, I’m a girl at an all girls school, its just what we do. Kids pants coaches in the hallway, its like hugging where I go.</p>
<p>…that’s a little odd. You should be happy, at my school you would have been arrested or something.</p>
<p>I wonder why all-girls schools have the reputations they do.</p>
<p>@c.amutah I read your one thread and that’s pretty rough. </p>
<p>But really, I must come off as a real creep but the school I go to is so promiscuous its disgusting. Girls completely change their clothes in the middle of the hallway, will take off their shirts during class, pee with the bathroom door open, etc.</p>
<p>^ Wow lol.</p>
<p>The first seems legit.
The second; well, maybe you could have spoken a bit softer. If a teacher singles you out for talking when the entire class is doing it, it’s usually because you’re the loudest.
The third: I can’t see why you would get a detention for being out of dress code once when the teacher has no reason to hate you (unless this is a very strict rule and the teacher in question is obligated to detain you). At our school, if you get a “uniform pass” before first period, you’re exempt from detention.</p>
<p>^HAHAHAHAHA, wow.
Sounds great if your lesbian or bi. Otherwise it might get awkward. </p>
<p>Wait! Are there male teachers/staff???</p>
<p>Sounds like Pretty Persuasion</p>
<p>^Yup. It can get pretty awkward especially when girls change in the middle of class with a male teacher.</p>
<p>@ThisCouldBeHeavn: not that this will make you believe me any more, but just today a girl asked me why I feel uncomfortable showering with my other friends and then called me a condescending b**** because I said it seemed awkward.</p>
<p>I don’t believe you. Please provide pictures.</p>
<p>I believe you. It’s just funny, that’s all.</p>
<p>Haha sorry I thought it said petty persuasion not pretty persuasion. I just laughed out loud.</p>