second thought about college

<p>ok well ive been excepted into a university in california nd i accepted admissions but im having second thoughts. i applied to study mechanical engineering but idk if thats wut i wanna do for the rest of my life. i honestly hav no idea wut i wanna study or weather i should just do community college to save money instead of wasting time at this university cuz idk wut i wanna do.</p>

<p>it's called an undeclared major :b</p>

<p>You don't have to declare a major for your first two years. In some cases, colleges will allow you to change and change and change your major </p>

<p>(I've heard of a man who was on Tyra show awhile ago who was in college for 15 years because he kept switching majors...though I think they passed some type of rule against that, now.)</p>

<p>Anyway, you're not expected to know what you want to do right off the bat. That's why you have the first two years to take Gen Eds and intro classes to certain majors to decide what you want to do.
Unless you applied to a sub-school that's major-specific, you should have some leeway to decide what you want to do.</p>

<p>weather = whether....</p>

<p>AT this school you cant go undeclared if not i would have dont that</p>

<p>would u suggest me just doing community college instead to save the cash if im gonna be doin general ed</p>

<p>what school?</p>

<p>just pick whatever major sounds best at the moment and if you want you can always change your mind later. you don't have to have all the answers right away, you're only in high school.</p>

<p>congrats on getting into college, you must be really proud and excited :)</p>

<p>I'm on my 3rd (and hopefully last) major and even though I'll have to be in college for 5 years instead of 4, I don't regret a single thing about it. A shockingly high number of people change their major at least once.</p>

<p>I'd say go to the UC, take some gen eds to get a feel for classes and go from there. Try to take gen eds that you're interested in from multiple areas so you can "test the waters" and see what you'd like to continue studying.</p>

<p>should i just go to community college to save the money cuz its a lot of money just to be doin gen ed when i can be doin it at a community college for a small portion of the price</p>

<p>CAL POLY is the skool</p>

<p>Obvious troll is obvious</p>

<p>You should apply to Devry. I heard their financial aid package was stellar.</p>

<p>I think it depends on what you want to do. A big university can provide lots of other things that community colleges can't such as a fun experience where you get to meet a lot of different people who are also on your level intellectually. However, if money is a big issue for you, you might want to go to community college. It is all up to you. If you want the college experience, go to a university. If money is seriously hard to come by, go to community college for a few years. And as for not knowing what you want to do, don't sweat it. Lots of people graduate and don't do what they have their degree in.</p>

<p>Have you considered the University of Phoenix? Their online programs will help you build a better future without disrupting your life.</p>

<p>You may be saving money by going to a CC, but just think on all the social things that you may miss out on by not going to a more traditional university. Also, Cal Poly is one of the best schools in the country for engineering...even if that's not what you ultimately want to do, I'd stick with it for now</p>

<p>well i have the money...but i didnt save it its my parents nd i dont want to go and then like a few months into college quit cuz then my parents worked long and hard for the money nd i dont wanna let them down and im tryin to set myself up to succeed</p>

<p>well maybe id be missing out on social things if i go to a CC but id eventually transfer</p>