Second Thoughts about Miami

Ever since I joined the UM Facebook Group and Class of 2020 GroupMe, I’ve been having doubts about my decision to go there. A lot of the people who joined the group seem to be really interested into the South Beach lifestyle and partying. I’m not the party type of person, so I’m worried that I’ll have a tough time finding friends. Whenever I read the UM group’s facebook posts, I feel I just won’t fit in with many of the people who are planning to go there. The Facebook posts (for girls) are all very repetitive and basic, and I feel like I don’t fit in with the common mold of people going there.

I’m really worried that I may be making the wrong decision in going to Miami. Does anyone have any advice for me? Am I perhaps being too critical?

On social media, certain groups and personality types can tend to dominate. I visited umiami with my son, and I met a wonderful variety of students, including kind, funny, sincere types, some who liked to party, some who had no interest in it. I think you will find your niche.

@Kyerin911 I’m so glad you posted this! My daughter feels the same way about the Facebook groups. She is considering U of Miami but is definitely not the party type. We are going to the April 10 open house and hope to see other like-minded people. It’s funny because most of the Facebook group she has joined (she’s deciding between four colleges), they all mention the exact same things on Facebook; “take my academics seriously, but I’m down for going out, tailgating, and sometimes binge watching netflix” We actually laugh about it now.

@JazzKeyMom Thank you so much! This reassures me. I guess I need to keep in mind that those represented on those social media sites are a small percentage of those who will be going to the university. It just gets depressing sometimes seeing all those social media posts and feeling different from the majority. Do you happen to know of any other UM groups for freshman besides the Facebook and Groupme ones?

@netter11 Haha, yes! I’m afraid that I’m judging these people too harshly, because I’m sure that they have more to their selves than liking Netflix, working out, going to the beach, wanting a gym buddy, and rushing. Please let me know what your daughter thinks of the people there after you guys visit!

Hi! I live in New York and I just got home from my visit to UMiami! I spent a few days around the campus and got a really good feel for it and the types of people. I am the type of girl who is always doing homework or studying, but i enjoy going out, as in walking around town (never partying), exploring, relaxing, whatever but deffinitely not clubbing or partying lol! I am a full IB Diploma student in the top 2% of my class so I think that shows how studious I am. My point is, most of the students seemed just like me! I saw soooo many studying and everyone looked focused (and happy because of the sun!!) Also, my friend goes there and has never even been to one club or party! She told me most of the students are like her, although there is the “party” crowd, but its very small and you only get involved in it if you choose! I was worried about that too, but don’t worry, actually I heard smaller schools and state schools are worse with the party scene since (i’m talking about NY right now) students from those small schools are usually bored, but students in Miami can enjoy the sun and the beach or whatever so they don’t have to party to have fun. Lol.

There’s definitely a good mix. I wouldnt worry about it at all!

@freshray2020 Thank you for this!! You don’t know how relieved I am to here this. It’s definitely reassuring to hear that a nerd like me won’t be too left out at UM lol. Slightly off-topic, but do you know a good website to search for roommates? I’ve used roomsurf, but I haven’t had much luck in finding a roommate who matches me well…

@jpamsel Thank you so much!

Hey whats the group me link? Im an incoming tansfer

OP - At UM you will see both end of Extremes, Students who party 24/7 and Students who study 24/7. so pick your club and Enjoy the ride. Trust me you will find many like minded students like yourself…
For freshman Housing you will get assign one of Tower Stanford or Hecht and some time the overflow goes to Eaton.
Housing looks at your application and assign you floor with Like minded Students. I have seen floors with all Studious (Nerds) and floors with all Party type students. Stanford is known to reside less Party type students and Hecht is more Party Atmosphere…

@dadfor2014 Thank you for this! How does Housing determine what type of student you’ll be - can I fill out an application so they can pair me with like minded students? Also, can I request which tower to live in? I’d prefer to live in Stanford if possible…

@thepinksun I messaged you about the groupme situation. Let me know if you were able to find your way into the big UMiami group chat

@Kyerin911 When you apply for housing on Cane Link there will be few questions about yourself and what you prefer.
You can request Stanford or even Eaton as your preference. Then they have a Matching program on Canelink where you can see others profiles and others can see yours and then they can contact each other via canlink to be future roommates…

Did anyone else there go to Accepted Students Day today? What were your thoughts on the day overall and the quality of the presenters (and fellow class of 2020 that you met?

Londondad–I did not go this week but I went with my daughter in March. Just for reference, I have a senior at Tulane. My younger daughter was choosing between Univ of Michigan, Miami, Tulane and Emory. She chose Miami. My impression is that the students are smart and really into the school. We spoke directly with a couple of professors and they seemed to be really committed. Stood in line at Starbucks behind a couple of football players. They were talking about classes. Bottom line is that I have no issues with her choice.

Hi, My son is a UM junior - he does not party, go to the beach, or go to football games. He absolutely LOVES the U. He is super involved in activities that interest him, has great friends, and is doing really well. He’s a biomedical engineer. Feel free to ask me anything!

Any Computer Science majors? I would love to get their perspective for my son.

Hi @LINYMOM - that’s so great to hear! We just put our deposit down on Monday for UM and housing deposit, yesterday (it took 2 days to clear). My daughter searched on the housing portal and looking through Facebook to find a roommate. She also is not interested in partying right now in her life so wants to find a roommate in the same boat. Do you have any suggestions on how your son handled freshman year, what activities he enjoys or recommends? Did he find a roommate or was he assigned one? I’m also trying to get on the parent Facebook page, but they haven’t let me in. Now that we’ve paid the deposits, I believe that should qualify. Thanks so much.

I’m having trouble finding the Facebook site to join. I want to join too! My D will be marine science major.

@netter11 - sending a follow up message.

@88Aggie - I’m sending you a message to help you get set up with the parent group.

Thanks, all good, I’m into the Facebook group and thrilled! A whole new chapter for us at the U! Very excited to get to know Cane parents and watch my daughter blossom through her college experiences.

@JazzKeyMom Thank you for the helpful post. I just had a follow-up question on this. From reading other posts from UM students and parents, it seems that UM has large pluralities of two distinct types: 1) Very serious, dedicated students who don’t drink or do drugs and seem a bit turned off of the negative reputation that UM gets in this regard. Many of these kids are probably on merit scholarships and were lured away from higher ranked schools and 2) Very social, but still intelligent work hard/play hard types who are probably wealthier than the average UM students. As many of the latter group can rely on family connections to get jobs later, they are less focused on graduating with a high GPA and getting important interships. My query is how do these two groups interact? Does the second grouo set the tone for all major campus events, campus and other organisations? Do these 2 groups interact much or basically ignore each other? Thanks