Life at the U?!

<p>hey! I'm a 2015 applicant and I was wondering if anyone could give me general info about life at the U?! Social events, clubs, frats/sororities, what people (i guess freshmen) do for fun, was it hard making friends? overall, do you like it?</p>

<p>Its always been my dream school, as one of my parents went there but I have a friend who
goes there from the same area as me, NY and he seems to be having a hard time fitting in, which kinda concerns me. </p>


<p>Life here is AWESOME. My facebook status from today: “out on the green, basking in the sun in my sweater because it’s a chilly 73 degrees farenheit… Oh, Miami, I love you.”</p>

<p>There’s lots of stuff to do. I’m usually kept pretty busy with class work and the many organizations that I have leadership roles in, but in my free time I often go to see movies at Cosford or Sunset Place, or go to UM sporting events. All of that together and I really don’t have much time left honestly. As long as you make sure to get involved, you’ll make friends. Of course, if you sit in your room all day watching television… well, obviously, you won’t.</p>

<p>If you’re not into the whole campus involvement scene, many people go to the Grove or South Beach to go shopping, or go to clubs/partying. Greek life isn’t very big on campus - only 12 or 13% of everyone here is actually part of a fraternity/sorority - but there are fraternity houses, and they are active.</p>

<p>Overall, I LOVE UM. Have you made a campus visit yet?</p>

<p>Haha funny you mention the fb status, I’ve been dreaming about writing those kinds of statuses for all my friends back in Michigan to read during the cold months. God I hope I get enough financial aid.</p>

<p>What are some of the popular hang outs other than the grove? Like what beaches are the most popular among um students?</p>

<p>Why don’t you visit your friend and spend a few days there? That should give you a pretty good idea whether UM is a good fit for you.</p>

<p>I mostly go to Miami Beach and occasionally Key Biscayne or Fort Lauderdale (just because I grew up there). But I agree 100% with LilyMoon, visiting your friend is probably the best way to learn this stuff.</p>