Second year financial aid package

<p>I was wondering when schools prepare and deliver financial aid packages to those other than new incoming freshmen. I am about going to start my second year and I was wondering when I could expect my package. Thanks for any input!</p>


<p>Different schools have different policies. Check with your school.</p>

<p>You can usually find out everything you need to know from your school’s financial aid office website, or just drop by and ask them about when you might get information about your aid for next year. Generally speaking, the deadlines for any renewal applications (if required), CSS Profile and/or FAFSA, and other needed documents is later than the deadlines for new admits. I know at my son’s school the deadline for continuing students is quite late (late April), so I assume we won’t know the specific aid award until late May or June at the earliest.</p>

<p>I’m sure they’d be happy to tell you if you just asked at your college. It’s not a bad idea to check in anyway and just make sure you’ve gotten them any materials they might need for a new determination.</p>

<p>I am willing to bet the date is published right on the website. Where I work, we want our returning students to file by March 1 & hope to get them an award estimate by May. My D’s school has an April priority date for returning students. They are all different.</p>