<p>abike im in a ****y mood. sorry if i come on as a lil stubborn. i dont think this needs to end in unpleasantries...as long as arjun doesnt spark something bigger. were just having a nice friendly debate :)</p>
<p>o and im not on any psychiatric medication you a$$hole :)</p>
<p>sparty- i'm jewish and adopted too. yay. and i'm also not white- but abike, i definitely don't agree with you that whites discussing race is off-color. racism is such a big but closeted problem that everyone needs to do something to change it. you can't just shake your head- like sparty said, talking benefits both parties. there's definitely benefit in understanding.</p>
<p>and arjun, like bongo said, it's NOT a minor issue. that was offensive.</p>
<p>maybe we dont wanna stop it arjun! like sparty said, its good to talk about it. and i agree with him. talking about it is probably the healthiest way to settle misunderstandings</p>
<p>im intitled to my opinion. i have had conversations about race with white people before and i never felt good after-maybe thats because i live in the most segregated place in the north, so i never get into discussions with people.</p>
<p>"I have traveled and lived all over the world and the only place i am reminded of my race is in America"</p>
<p>i don't remember who said it but its true and sad</p>
<p>My generalizations about how people act when discussing race weren't directed at any particular poster. I'm just talking about the whole feel of racial discussion.</p>
<p>I think anybody posting here would agree that it's sort of unpleasent because you get nervous about ****ing someone off, or get upset when somebody says something (probably inadvertantly or illinformedly) that is insensitive.</p>
<p>Yeah I agree that whites discussing race seems "weird." I'm just saying it should be, and people shouldn't be afraid to discuss it.</p>
<p>hotelschool: love the comment, absolutely love it.</p>
<p>Alright guys, i'm feeling like this discussion is kind of played out. It's nice that nobody freaked out though. The secret society thread could have become a real flamer hahaha</p>
<p>where is sparky i hope i didn't scare him off this post, i hope i doesn't hurt our relationship he has given me alot of advice on college and cornell on the other post i would like to say thank you for answering my questions-honestly</p>
<p>sparty your right race shouldn't be taboo
racism isn't dimishing(anybody see what happened in Toledo, Ohio?) it has transformed to fit with the times. today u can't be blantantly races but subtle races seems to be ok
arjun- a minority dressed in a suit is as musch at risk for racism as a thuggish dressed person
how about represantation in the media- u see the girl killed in aruba on tv for months you see the killed black woman-tamika johnson from philly a couple of times and a follow up report
keeping this real and raw is good</p>
<p>I'm not saying it's not unpleasent to discuss race. I'm just saying when two openminded parties discuss it, it's usually productive from my experience. I guess i would call it cathartic...it's like being able to walk away saying "ok, so the other side thinks i'm not crazy in thinking such and such."</p>
<p>Perhaps your experiences have been different.</p>
<p>thats sterotyping and Nigerians are great at everything !
long distance running is ethopians specailty not Nigerians-soccer and sprints
if ur going to make a racially motivated joke get the facts right</p>