<p>Hello, well here we are. 'Done' with high school, ready to leave home.
I visited Case recently, and it really did appeal to the academic side of me, but I felt a bit icky about the social scene.
Honestly, I saw some of the geekiest looking kids ever haha..and I'd have to say I did not see a large number of attractive girls. :o (if you're a student there currently.. you're beautiful! :D)</p>
<p>I was really impressed by the intricate network of hospitals and other nearby establishments. Just how each institution provided so much opportunities for the students in whatever career they were pursuing was awesome.</p>
<p>I want to study pre-med, and I'm wondering if I will ultimately have to give in and merge in with this whole nerd lifestyle.
Surprisingly I have not lived such stereotypical life style as an Asian but I have a feeling I will have to in order to pursue studies in medicine.</p>
<p>I'm actually pretty nervous and excited. I've read some posts about the course load and difficulty of the classes and I'm sorta scared to be completely honest. I reallyyyy do not want to be one of the many 'pre-med' failures..</p>
<p>If anyone has any random input about anything regarding what I said, it'd be nice</p>
<p>Also, some quesitons..
How's the 'consensual' dating life there?
I saw a post under this thread..Actually asking for someone to date? o.O
I'm simply asking if it is existent or is everyone completely studious and simply representing the social life that the admissions office shows during their slideshows, etc.?</p>
<p>Also, I'm looking for a roommate since I recently turned in the deposit. I guess, Skype would be a good place to chit chat about this? So.. it's: ninjewturtle</p>
<p>Well, there's my little spew of 'uh oh college'
Thanks for reading~
<p>First of all, there is no such thing as a pre-med major. You can major in anything, even Art History, and apply to medical school as long as you have taken the required Calculus, Chemistry (General and Organic), Physics and Biology courses. My advice to you is to not worry about dating and focus on academics (picking a major that you actually like) and meeting new people through clubs and other non-academic activities. Everything else will follow as a result. Best of luck to you in college!</p>
<p>I understand a pre-med major does not exist but it is the path I’d like to take.
I have a special interest in bio~ but I’m not really sure which specific major ( biomedical , biochem, bio engineering? )
I’m not taking bio solely on the reason that it is related to medicine but because I do enjoy it. But what is a field that will be ‘manageable’ to maintain good gpa? :o</p>
<p>“But what is a field that will be ‘manageable’ to maintain good gpa?” That depends on your interests. Many pre-meds think that majoring in biology or like subject gives you an edge when applying to medical school. In fact, the opposite is true. They like diversity, and this means accepting applicants from a wide variety of majors. As a medical school applicant, you have a better chance of standing out if you pick a less common major. And if that happens to be what you like (say art history, music or even math), then you’re chances are probably better, given that you’re more likely to get higher grades in a subject you enjoy.</p>
<p>Haha, well. I guess I’ll have to live with that. I’m not going for another random major just because of their preference of diversity. Thanks for the info though!</p>
<p>Does anyone know if it is difficult to maintain a good GPA at Case? versus another school like UC Davis? Some people say the workload is ridiculous, and others say that there are less people in every class and hence less competition</p>
<p>@coll3ges: It all depends on you. Yes, the workload is difficult. Freshman year is very tough for a lot of people. Also, a few of your classes might be very big such as chemistry and math (with about 300 people) which makes it harder to push up your GPA. BUT there are many who succeed at getting a 4.0. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but it’s not impossible. It depends on what type of student you want to be.</p>