Seeking Advice on College Choices [international student; 4A*, 3A, 1B O-level; 2B, 1C AS-level; 1330 SAT]

for financial documents, my uncle has already had a conversation with a visa attorney, so as far as I know, that should not be a problem. While I’m not quite sure about all the details of the process, I think showing financial support should not be an issue.
if we assume that showing financial support isn’t a limiting factor, I’m eager to hear your thoughts and advice. Are there specific colleges on my list that stand out to you, or do you recommend considering other institutions?

Sent you a private message. Look for the green circle upper right hand corner

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You will have to provide sufficient documentation that the money is absolutely going to be available for you. This might not be easy to do in terms of completing that certificate of finances. Because…that is your uncle’s money, not your parent’s.

for financial documents, my uncle has already had a conversation with a visa attorney, so as far as I know, that should not be a problem. While I’m not quite sure about all the details of the process, I think showing financial support should not be an issue.
if we assume that showing financial support isn’t a limiting factor, I’m eager to hear your thoughts and advice. Are there specific colleges on my list that stand out to you, or do you recommend considering other institutions?

Brooklyn College
The name says it all. Respected public college in one of the best known urban areas in the world. Loads of international students.

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thankyouu for the suggestion! but considering my academic i dont think i have a chance of getting into brooklyn plus NY is very expensive

Where does your uncle live?

Your certificate of finance will ask where your costs for 1st year will come from; an attached statement from your uncle’s AMERICAN BANK stating he can afford to pay the costs for that 1st year and that income is regular enough that funds are to be expcted for years 2-4 will be sufficient. Your parents offering “emergency funds” will show family support.
However you’ll need to demonstrate that you plan to return to Pakistan after your OPT (OPT is for you to gain practical experience so that you’re immediately operational when you return to your country). Getting a good education to help Pakistan/your family is okay; if your goal is to stay and work with your uncle however your STUDENT visa will be denied (a student visa is for people whose goal is to study not people whose main goal is to work).

Now, your academic profile is NOT bad and the universities you’re aiming for are all academic safeties (if you already applied to some, apply to their Honors College or Honors peogram now). You need a better list, and fast because many deadlines are in 10 days!
(An A Level C is equivalent to getting a 3 in a double AP exam and American universities understand that A levels are actually much more advanced than APs). Your A Levels are likely to carry about 12 credit hours for advanced placement depending on where you’re admitted.

If your uncle can afford 35K, that opens 2 types of universities :

  • universities that are ~33k and under
  • universities likely to offer you enough scholarships for you to attend at a cost of 35k.

Right now, look into costs and merit scholarships at
Truman state, Umn Morris, Augsburg, Knox, SUNY Plattsburgh, Elizabethtown (I’ll try to think of more).

Since you’re an international, you want to avoid commuter schools. You want residential schools with community and campus life.

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Thank you for your detailed response and valuable insights. My uncle lives in Alabama, and he is willing to provide the necessary financial support, as well as the required documentation from his Americanbank, to prove his ability to cover my first-year expenses. I fully understand the need to show a clear intention to return to Pakistan after my studies, and my primary goal is to gain a quality education . I do not plan to work or stay with my uncle during my academic journey in the United States. Instead, I intend to reside in a dormitory on campus and fully immerse myself in the college experience.
I’m relieved to hear your assessment of my academic profile and your suggestions regarding the universities I should consider. Due to various circumstances, my academics faced some challenges, and I was advised to apply to safety schools. Your perspective on A Levels being more advanced than APs is reassuring, and I will explore the colleges you’ve recommended, If you have more suggestions or any further advice, I would greatly appreciate it.
In terms of my current college list, if there are any institutions you think I should remove or if you have any recommendations for additional colleges, I am open to your suggestions. Once again, thank you for your assistance and willingness to help :slight_smile:

How is he going to pay for cost of living in one of the most expensive areas of the country? Unless he has free housing with relatives in Brooklyn, it’s just impossible. Also, cost for int’l is $620 per credit hour.

yup! its way too expensive

Both UAlabama and UAlabama Huntsville would be affordable with the automatic scholarships.
Typically your GPA would be (OLevels)+(ALevels)/2.
So, (32.9/8) +(10.4/3) = 3,78 uwGPA.
+1330 SAT.
Apply to these 2^ as well as to their Honors College.


Some colleges will have zero application fee - look for them through the CommonApp tool.

For now, look for “join the mailing list” at the colleges above+ those I listed. Open their emails and click on the links.
How far along is your application ?

Would BBC be your predicted result for A levels?


If you can get into U Alabama with enough scholarship to make it affordable, this is a good opportunity. It’s the flagship school for the state, plus they are giving so much merit money to top students that a lot of very high achievers are choosing to go there, thus bringing up the level of scholarship there. But you should call today and speak with an advisor in their admissions office, to see whether this is available to you as an int’l, and to see whether they would indeed calculate your GPA this way. I think that an essay which shows that you’re up all night tutoring in order to support your family, and that this affected your ability to achieve in your A levels, might be in order.


North Carolina Central University is located in Durham (not far from Duke University) and is one of the stronger historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs.) The webpage says the international student’s bank statement must include $37,220 to cover “tuition for two semesters at NCCU.” But I think that includes room&board:
International Students | North Carolina Central University (
Here’s a pdf link to breakdown of their tuition and fees:

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Yes the scholarships are available to international students.
The calculation is the standard one, ie.,
Uk A*= US A+ (national rank in the subject)
A= A
B = A-/B+
C = B
D = C+
E= C
F = D
G/U= F
Students pass the course with an E but to go to University in that subject they need a C or higher. Courses known for being less selective would only require 1B and 1 C or 2 Cs at ALevel plus 1 C in English at GCSE/OLevel.

That scale is likely what will appear on OPs transcript for the school grading scale but OP should check with their college counselor.

I see that UAH asks students to get their transcripts evaluated by an external agency and they offer 4 different ones.


How many times have you taken the SAT ?

Consider sitting for the SAT again if you believe that you can increase your score.

What is the score breakdown between math & English on your SAT ?

Which subject area do you plan to study ?

Ask your uncle to ask his immigration attorney whether or not you should discuss tutoring as a source of income while in the US. Without authorization to work in the US, you may be limited to working for the university tutoring service as a TA (teaching assistant) ? (I do not know the answers, but some answers may have an impact on your application for a student visa in the US.)

In which subjects have you tutored other students ?

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only once, I do think I can improve my score but my counselor said that there was no need for retake. Plus I have to manage work (tutoring/editing), college application, study for A2 and midterms for predicted grades at school so I am not sure if its worth it to retake it . however, if you think otherwise pls let me know I got a 670 in maths and 660 in english currently i have 9 students internationally who i help in maths and science plus i have 4 students who i help in olevels

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As a warning to OP : most freshmen have jobs in the cafeteria (sometimes it decreases their food costs if the university lets them eat for free before their shift). The luckiest freshmen find “paid to study” desk jobs, like desk at the freshman hall’s entrance for all the kids who forgot their badge and need to be let in, signing up visitors, and studying the rest of the time. Tutoring typically goes to returning students.


thankyouu! ill look into it

Look at the UAlabama (Tuscaloosa) grid: if you think you can reach the score required for the next level of scholarship then it’d be worth trying again since it’s worth thousands of dollars.
That being said, getting the highest predicted in Mock exams would be more important (your predicted can’t afford to drop from AS).

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