Seeking Advice on College Choices [international student; 4A*, 3A, 1B O-level; 2B, 1C AS-level; 1330 SAT]

thankyou so much! this is very helpful. I am currently writing my essay nope BBC were my grades is As, predicted grades would be submitted by my school after midterms

If you can maintain BBC then you’re okay. (Obviously BBB would be better but BBC is okay.).
Is there a November or December international SAT test date available in Pakistan?
If you don’t think you can reach the minimum score for the next level of scholarship, don’t worry about it since it’s time&money you may not have. It’s only worth it as a guaranteed investment through that scholarship grid.

I am worried that if I go for a retake it might effect my mock results, since i already have alot on my plate. I was thinking about explaining the drop of my grades from olevels to Alevel explaining that i have to work during night often 13 hours a day in the extra information section of common app. would it be a good idea?

i can go for a composite exam in math for A2 and try to improve my math grade but the result would come back in august so i dont know if thats worth it

You should provide that information to the person who will write your general recommendation (guidance counselor or college adviser), so they can explain your dedication has not changed but due to changing family circumstances you now need to earn money through a night shift job to help your family in addition to being a full time student at school.

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My suggestion is to retake the SAT for better scholarships & for better chance of acceptance at US colleges & universities and for better tutoring/TA opportunities at US colleges & universities.

Consider the SAT as an international language of accomplishment & ability. Whether or not accurate, admissions likely will be more comfortable admitting one with a higher SAT score. Try to break 700 on each portion of the SAT.


got it! so I should not add it in in additional information section of commonapp?

so the next SAT is on 4 nov. I dont think it would be smart to go for it considering I only have a few days left. i can go for december SAT but I have to apply before that

Are you senior or Junior? If you are senior, look when results of SAT will be available and deadlines. I think it is too late to apply for November SAT even with extra fee. (If possible, go for it! Since you tutor other students, you probably do not need study much.) Appling EA is always the best. Also consider the following: apply EA with current SAT and update it later with self-reporting with screen short thorough email to AO (after calling them and verify that would work and to whom send an email.) Also your English score for a foreigner who lives outside of US is very good and I doubt it can improve much. Math score can have slight improvement. Doing simple Math: English about same or 20 points more 680 and Math 700 will get you to 1380. Some schools may have scholarship cut of at 1350 (reachable) and 1400(maybe possible with Math 720, but quite difficult. )
Note, many schools may require EA to be considered for scholarships.

I’m a senior, and you are right. I can’t go for the November test because the last registration deadline was on October 20th. Should I aim for the December test instead? I was actually getting better scores in English while practicing at home. I believe that if I put in the work, I would be able to bring both English and Math to 700 easily.

If you get a higher score after apps go in, could you appeal for an increase in merit aid, based on increased sat score?

I hardly studied for SATs for two weeks for 3 hours max each day and got 1330 so if i practice a bit more i believe I can take it to 700

Yes, do it, but still apply EA with strategy that I mentioned before (check with schools but many allow updates/self-reporting after deadline with better scores.) Missing EA means no scholarship! High SAT score will not matter.

I am not quit sure about that…

I have heard of students retaking tests in spring before fall start date, for just that reason.

gotcha! ill try to apply as soon as possible first and then email colleges to ask for the possibility of self reporting

ill look into it, thankyouu so much!

You would be surprised, you may not need to study much. First, you already have OK score - less pressure (usually means more focused on test and better score). Second, part of the SAT is experience (if you have knowledge there. ) Between DD later attemps she had time for absolutely minimal prep. However, her scores went up. I think in her case psychological factor plus understanding how test works helped a lot. She had knowledge, she just needed to know how to apply it effectively. It is not the case for every student, but I suspect it would be the same in your case.

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Thankyouu so much! its reassuring to hear that, ill firs try to complete my application to apply for EA and will mail the schools i applied to if they accept update scores ill def go for a retake

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Some schools can be TO. Look where their mean scores. I suspect that being foreign student with your list of not extremely selective schools you better to report. Generally speaking 660 in English (for foreigner outside of US) and 670 in Math (good basic proficiency) show that you are good student and support your grades.