<p>Haha sure. Moved in. Nice.</p>
<p>Can’t tell if the post about moving into a dorm today is ■■■■■■■■ or not.</p>
<p>Must be. ■■■■■■■■ that is.</p>
<p>It’s gotta be ■■■■■■■■.</p>
<p>I don’t know who Selena Gomez is (yup, I’m old), and I have NO idea if she is or isn’t planning to attend NU, but I wonder about the impact on fellow students when celebrities are on campus. For those of you who have shared classes with famous students, does it actually have any impact on your student life beyond the first couple days of novelty?</p>
<p>I empathize with any celebrity student who really just hopes to get a normal education, but I also have sympathy for the other students if a news-worthy classmate proves a distraction from getting an (expensive) education.</p>
<p>Any experience with this?</p>
<p>I know Chet Hanks gets a lot of press in the gossip blogs, but from my understanding (second hand accounts from friends whom I trust and have interacted in depth) that’s because he’s a jerk who makes a sideshow of himself.</p>
<p>Emma Watson gets followed by press occasionally, but I’ve heard most students are not distracted by her presence. I’ve also heard that she is almost always gone on the weekends.</p>
<p>^I’d be so distracted by her presence. hahahaha. selena gomez is for like 8 year olds though</p>
<p>Is Chet Hanks attending NU? I had heard his dad was on a tour, but wasn’t sure if his son ever actually enrolled. </p>
<p>Was it any distraction when Meryl Streep’s daughter was on campus in the Theatre program?</p>
<p>I’ve never been particularly interested in celebrities, but am wondering if their presence is any detriment to other kids’ education.</p>
<p>Apparently, people make Hermione jokes about Watson (<em>answers difficult question</em> "10 points for Griffindor). Apparently she gets incredibly ****ed…</p>
<p>I’m gonna guess if you can’t avoid distractions, you shouldn’t be going to Northwestern.</p>
<p>^ I’ve heard that too. If I were in a class with her I seriously don’t think I could resist. No, I KNOW I couldn’t.</p>
<p>“Ten points to Griffindore!!” . That really cracked me up.</p>
<p>Anyway. As I recall this thread isn’t about celebrities in college and their impact, in general. It’s about a particular celeb, mind you.</p>
<p>True, and sorry for the thread drift. </p>
<p>So, was momof3sons kidding or should DD be prepared for yet another interesting classmate next year?</p>
<p>Absolute bluff . Damn, how do I express myself fully without expressing myslef truly. damn this dillemma.
On a side note, school is can canceled tomorrow, I had an exam which I wasn’t prepared for.</p>
<p>psh if emma watson gets millions of dollars but she has to put up with jokes, she should shut up.</p>
<p>Chet Hanks is attending. He is in the theater department and quite talented from what I hear. His parents were on campus at Parents Weekend doing all the Parents Weekend parent stuff. It was cute.</p>
<p>who is chet hanks?</p>
<p>^I am assuming it’s Tom Hanks’s kid</p>
<p>Erjeps: Yes you could either lose sleep over who he is, or you could just google it. [Let</a> me google that for you](<a href=“LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You”>LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You)</p>
<p>People, lets just remind ourselves what this thread is called.</p>
<p>Ah, but maybe the thread isn’t sure what it’s about since it’s called “Selena Gomez?” ;-D</p>