<p>Is it true that Selena Gomez is coming to Northwestern this fall too?? I just heard from my friend and got all excited haha I usually despise Disney channel stars EXCEPT Selena Gomez :D</p>
<p>Lol one can only hope. And I don’t think NU would pass up the opprotunity to have some star power at the school. hahaha on a side note, she’s cute.</p>
<p>whoa and apparently JoJo is attending NU. 2 singers/actresses in one year?</p>
<p>^ JoJo is going to Northeastern.</p>
<p>I’ve only seen one or two episodes of her Disney show, but I was entertained - her acting is pretty good for the material, and she actually seems to have great comedic timing especially compared to some of their, ah, other stars. She seems like a cool gal, though I’ll admit I didn’t know she was so close to being 18. I don’t think it would make a difference to me, but that’d be neat if she did attend NU!</p>
<p>^ Same. I thought she was turning 17.</p>
<p>Can anyone confirm? If she seriously is, I think I messed up really bad.</p>
<p>^ hahaha ND over NU. She said last year it was her dream school (I just looked this all up… not a creeper lol) and I can’t imagine NU rejecting her.</p>
<p>I haven’t seen any of her shows on the Disney channel, but the trailer of “Ramona and Beezus” looks absolutely adorable.</p>
<p>JoJo is at Northwestern right now?? I thought she was at Northeastern lol</p>
<p>And yes, apparently Selena is turning 18 this year in July.</p>
<p>Ahem, Bump.</p>
<p>pleaseee 10char sg</p>
<p>[Selena</a> Gomez to Take a Break From TV for College](<a href=“http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00025092.html]Selena”>Selena Gomez to Take a Break From TV for College)</p>
<p>That story is over a year old does anyone from NU have real news?!</p>
<p>Super bump</p>
<p>Better question: Why do you care?</p>
<p>Extremely good question.</p>
<p>She is pretty good looking. But I doubt she is going, the story is very old.</p>
<p>She moved into a dorm today. I wonder if this will affect apps. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>Today?!? You would think she would just wait until next year instead of winter quarter.</p>