I borrowed 5 steps to a 5, 500 questions before the test day, and Econ for dummies from the library. Would these be good books to start for classes and exams? I would’ve looked for a textbook, but I could 't find one. I also was wondering about online sources to study for micro and macroeconomics. Any suggestions?</p>
<p>I just got my scores back , I self studied micro/macro got 5’s in both. I would suggest using khanacademy for econ. Also ACDC economics is amazing youtube channel. That guy is talented teacher. I’m going to donate to him, that’s how good he is. </p>
<p>In all honestly, I learned Micro in maybe 5 days. And the rest was just practice and doing FRQs. Same with Macro. And the tests aren’t equal in difficulty. Macro this year IMO was magnitudes easier than Micro for some reason. Learn the material in maybe 1 - 2 weeks, spend the rest of the time practicing FRQs and Tests.</p>
<p>Good Luck. </p>