So im going to be a junior and my schedule is </p>
Ap bio
Ap calc ab
Hon eng
Hon american history </p>
With some electives thrown in there … and i was wondering if i can fit self studying for psychology ??
I know ap bio is supposedly a killer and i know my calc teacher is satan on earth … but i feel in order to get into UM i need more so since psychology is the easiest (everyone says) i was wondering if ill have time to self study it ?</p>
… and just in case i fail it can i take a Ap psychology class and take the exam over ?</p>
<p>AP bio is really really easy if you’re good at memorization. Literally you could memorize your barron’s book and get 5 + 800.</p>
<p>I pretty much did that and got a 5 + 790 on Molecular</p>
<p>Lol good thing i can memorize alot !
… what about psychology ? lol any advice on that ? Please and thank u ^_^</p>
<p>Yeah AP Biology is memorizing hell but with Barrons or Cliffnotes, it’s definitely 5’able. I’m going to self-study Psychology, too, and I think you should get Barrons for AP Psychology, since I’ve heard rave reviews on that course book. You’re schedule is fine, don’t worry!</p>
<p>AP Psychology is pretty darn easy in my opinion. I regretted taking the course since I just slacked off and didn’t pay attention as much as I should. I only studied one day before the exam (read the entire Princeton Review Book for AP Psychology) and I got a 5. If you’re good at memorization, I am sure you can pass the exam.</p>
<p>So whats the best prep book for phychology ?</p>
<p>Barrons. The end. </p>
<p>Sent from my Desire HD using CC</p>
<p>I self studied ap psych in 2 days and easily scored a 5. the essay section is complete BS, believe me. all i used was Barrons. I just went through and highlighted it. also took a few notes but not much. its a lot of memorization and the concepts are kind of common sense. just buy the book and study a few weeks before the exam and you’ll be fine. :)</p>
<p>Yes, AP Pscyhology is a very easy test. Although I certainly don’t recommend self-studying it in 2 days, all you really have to do is buy a good review book (either Barron’s or Princeton review) and memorize all the vocabulary inside. The exam is essentially just a giant vocabulary test, and as long as you have a basic understanding of all the psychology terms, you should be guaranteed at least a 4.</p>
<p>i didn’t know like half of the essays but i got a 5 with Barrons. i didnt review any notes. </p>
<p>but i wouldnt recommend self studying 2 days before. AP testing dates can conflict. try a few weeks or even a month before, since you wont be in a class.</p>