Semester Units Means

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I just recently decided to major in psychology and in order to be guaranteed into the major one of the things I have to do is "Declare the major prior to the accumulation of 80 semester units." I was wondering where I can find out how many "semester units" I have. Does anyone know what is meant by "semester units". The bearfacts site transcript tells me i have 56 Semester credits and DARS says 73. Someone told me that semester units were Semester Credits minus "other transfer credit". Can someone help me?</p>

<p>I would guess that semester units means how many units you have taken at Berkeley including summer session. I know for sure that you do not count AP, but I am not sure if community college credits are excluded.</p>

<p>they do not include summer session in the unit cap stuff. Summer sessions is only meant to help you (of course it can still hurt you if you say bomb your courses)</p>

<p>so how do you define semester units as opposed to total units?</p>

<p>(semester units) = (total units) - (summer session units)?</p>

<p>(semester units) = (total units) - [summer session units + AP Exam Units] ?</p>

<p>(semester units) = (total units) - [summer session units + AP Exam Units + other transfer units] ?</p>

<p>For this specific case, because it is referring to a unit cap and more units is detrimental</p>

<p>for freshman, I believe it is just Fall and Spring units
for transfers, I believe it is CC Fall and Spring units plus Berkeley Fall and Spring units</p>

<p>AP units are useless.</p>

<p>I vaguely recall an older thread like this, but I do not remember what the answer was on that thread.</p>

<p>I talked to an adviser this morning.</p>

<p>Semester units are units received from college courses after high school graduation. AP’s and IB’s are not taken into consideration, neither are college courses taken while in high school are not taken into consideration. So basically semester units are all units since you graduated high school and became a college student. </p>

<p>Thanks for the help everyone.</p>