Senate Page Program

I’ve recently applied to the Senate Page Program. To any past pages or applicants, when were you notified and through what medium (phone call, email, ect.). Also, do they even notify you if you didn’t get it, and again when did you receive this notification. I’m wondering if I will know in time to start preparing applications to summer college programs. Thanks!

It varies on the Senator’s office. For me, they said they would contact me either via email or phone with a decision for the Summer B 2015 session. I would assume email though since it is in writing.

As for receiving the decision, it can be as early as late March to as late as early May. Again, it depends on how long the Senator takes, but also depending on the housing situation.

You should apply to other programs just in case, plus it gives you much more options to choose from. Programs always receive people that decline to go, so you won’t be hurting anyones feelings. Instead, you would possibly make a student happy if he or she was waitlisted! Think of it that way!

I do hope this helps you!