Hi! I’ve already seen the other threads for the Senate Page Program regarding: what it is, how to apply, and how competitive it is. My question about the program is simply which one do I do. I wanted to see if any one who has done the program or knows it will enough if you could comment which session is better the summer semesters or the school semester. I’m not sure which one I would like to do, but I was leaning more towards the summer semesters due to the fact that I transferred to my school last year, and there are some diploma requirements I need to get.
Also try asking in this subforum: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/internships-careers-employment/
I’m interested in the program too! I personally am going for the summer one because it’s less work (I would be SO tired if I had to get up at 5 every morning for school) and my school is pretty strict about transferring credits. If your school isn’t as strict though, you should go for the semester - it’s more prestigious.
I thought they scrapped that program after the sex scandal in the 80s but apparently not.
No, they scrapped the House page program. The Senate page program is still around, thankfully.
I guess it’s easier to keep track of 100 senators than 435 congresspeople. Thanks.
Also I was curious, does anyone know which senators usually get a page?
I think it’s usually the most senior ones, especially ranking members on committees. You should check your senators’ websites though - anyone can nominate one, I’m pretty sure.