Senate Page Summer 2022

hii! is anyone else applying to the senate page summer program?

im applying under Schumer and i think he is actually able to sponsor more than one page. i actually dont have any experience in campaign work like a lot of pages do but i do have experience in policy work and ive also talked with my city council members regarding the allocation of city funds.


Hi, I applied under Senator Bennet. I don’t have experience other than the multiple classes I have taken for social studies and attending my states governor school.

applying through Senator Schumer for the summer session. If anyone has any advice on how to stand out or if there as an interview process afterwards I would love to hear back!

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i dont know what exactly makes an applicant stand out but i can tell you the general profile of senate pages. they usually have some sort of political campaign experience, theyre engaged with politics, some of them have started or are presidents of political clubs in their school, etc etc. generally as long as you make sure that you emphasize your passion and experience in government, politics, and policy in some way in your application, you should be fine. if you get a letter of rec from someone like the mayor, youll be sure to stand out.

im also applying under schumer! are you applying for session 1 or session 2. i was originally going to apply for session 1 but i just found out that its only 2 weeks compared to session 2’s 4 weeks. if you dont mind me asking, who did you get your 3 letter of recs from (i.e. teacher, internship supervisor, etc)

there is definitely an interview process that takes place. i think you even get a follow up call after your interview.

hii! im kind of worried about my lack of campaign experience. i mean, ive done some work related to campaigning but they were either volunteer work or not affiliated with the actual campaign.

i think as long as you emphasize your passion and get it through in a thoughtful way, it should make up for some of the experience that a lot previous senate pages have.

good luck in your application process!

I think one mistake I made during my interview was appearing overly confident in my interview (if that makes sense). I think you should be confident but humble with your experiences. Some of the questions asked were:

  1. How do you handle the pressure?
  2. Why do you want to be a senate page?
  3. When was a time you had a packed schedule and how did you manage that?
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former page here - if yall need any application tips/help feel free to dm

How long did it take for you to hear back?

Yes! When did you hear back? It’s March soon- I have to start planning summer jobs and I would love to know if this is still an option.

If I were you, I would start lining up summer plans regardless because the program is quite difficult to get into and more applicants are rejected than admitted, which is the brutal truth. On the other hand, though, I was a Fall Page and I found out I got admitted less than a month before the program started, so it’s not unusual to have not heard anything back yet. Speaking from my experience and what I’ve heard from other Pages, I would expect decisions from April-May, and if you applied through McConnell or Schumer, you might hear back in March because they get first dibs.

See my comment above^. Just saying, the timeline I gave above is an estimate, but the main message is that if you haven’t heard back yet, don’t fret. The timeline for page appointments is p insane and it’s normal not to hear anything for months and then to get an email/call out of the blue telling you that you were picked.

Hi! I applied under Schumer and finished my interview a few days back and I think decisions come out in a week or so!

how was your interview?

I also applied under schumer and i think applicants may have a follow up call after their interview?

Hello! I applied for the senate page program under Senator Schumer. I had my interview a week back and I was wondering if anyone also applied or has any information on what’s next. When can I expect to hear back? Are there any follow-up interviews? Thx!!

Thank you. I applied under Feinstein. Have not heard a peep.

yeah Sen. Feinstein appoints Pages very infrequently. She basically appoints only for the Summer and literally never appoints semester pages. You never know though - I found out less than a month before the session started that I got an appointment, so don’t lose faith yet!

Oh wow that is actually helpful. It’s been like a black hole - no responses to emails such.
Do you think they will EVER let me know?
How was the experience? I was really hoping for this opportunity but realizing it’s just a dream….

Possibly? Some offices let you know if they reject you while other offices don’t communicate with you at all. I would still wait and have hope - I’ve heard Feinstein occasionally sponsors for the summer, so I’d just wait and see. The experience was terrific - wouldn’t trade it for the world.

around what time do interviews usually happen for the program?

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it completely depends on which senator you apply under. i know for chuck schumer, the senate majority leader, interviews happen 3 weeks or so after initial applications.