Send or not send?

<p>I've sent two SAT scores to my early school, and took a third this november. Scores came out and I was planning to send them, but have one dilemma...</p>

<p>Basically, in all three tests taken, each test had the highest score in a single section. The breakdown is...</p>

<p>1st: 730/760/620
2nd: 650/790/690
3rd: 660/710/750</p>

<p>Should I send the 3rd score? I mean, the superscore is higher obviously... but after the first 730 in reading, I got two 600's... which they might take as "oh this kid is actually not that good at reading after all..."</p>

<p>Bump! This is important for me…</p>

<p>Shameless bump.</p>

<p>Umm… for anyone before class of 2010 it’s all or none…</p>

<p>i know… i ve sent the 1st an 2nd sitting but not yet the update (Nov) 3rd sitting…</p>