Sending SAT scores helpp!

<p>So i need to send my scores ASAP but I don't know which ones I should send in. Here are my scores:</p>

<p>01/2010, SAT Test (def sending)
610 Reading
630 Math
660 Writing</p>

<p>06/2010, SAT Subject Test
770 Mathematics Level 2 (def sending)
640 Physic (probably sending?)</p>

<p>05/2010, SAT Test
580 Reading
680 Math
630 Writing</p>

<p>10/2010, SAT Test
610 Reading
700 Math
630 Writing</p>

<p>THANK YOU!!:)</p>

<p>bump anyone?</p>

<p>Impossible to offer constructive advice without knowing what schools, for starters, and all the rest of the stats stuff and your intended major.</p>


<p>1-Don’t know why you are saying the first SAT for sure instead of the last, which represents your highest single sitting, highest math and highest CR+M for schools that don’t care about writing.</p>

<p>2-Some schools require ALL scores, so you don’t have a choice–they will get all scores.</p>

<p>3-If a school superscores, send first and last; superscored, they beat your best single sitting.</p>

<p>4-If you are applying to subject test OPTIONAL schools, then whatever you decide is fine. But if you are applying to subject test REQUIREd schools, then two is the usual minimum.</p>

<p>Your scores are good and consistent. Good luck!</p>

<p>1-oh i just noticed. I meant im def sending the october one.
2- i already sent them all in. All of the schools required them all</p>

<p>Thanks anyway :)</p>