Send SAT Score?

<p>How do colleges want me to send my SAT scores? </p>

<p>-Copy my scores and send?
-Have CollegeBoard send my scores and I pay $10 for each school?</p>

<p>have collegeboard send them. the score report you receive is not valid.</p>

<p>Most (if not all) schools require that you send official reports, from CB. Yes, it is a rip off...I don't think anyone disagrees...but I don't think there's any real way around it.
I do highly suggest making good use of your four free sends...but only when you take SATs for the last time, or else you'll just have to send them again anyway. (Of course, you get the free sends every time, so if you're unsure whether you will want to send in updated reports in the future, you could go ahead and send...that way if you bomb something later the college won't have to see it--assuming the original report had all the required stuff. )</p>

<p>yeah, you have to have collegeboard send them.</p>