Sending "Literature" To Colleges

<p>I am applying as a literature/writing major to all my colleges and so I was wondering...along with my application, can I </p>

<p>include a copy of the various poems/short stories I have written?</p>

<p>I think that’s a good idea. some schools offer supplements you could possibly fill out. Just dont send in a novel or anything, too long for an admissions officer to take the time out to read</p>

<p>Yes, that would be a great idea. I think this would fall under the category of some sort of Arts Supplement- musicians send in recordings and visual artists send in portfolios- creative writers can definitely submit samples of their work.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t do it. If they ask for it for your major on the website, sure. But unsolicited? No. Every adcom has enough to do already. If your stuff is so good, you should be entering in contests and getting prizes for your writing. That’s something they’d notice. </p>

<p>Not only that, if you do send something in be sure its stuff that a teacher has said “this is great!” about. Sometimes one’s own judgement about the meritswon’t match those of outside readers…</p>