sending more than the requisite evals?

<p>My son wants more than the two teachers required to write evaluations for him. </p>

<p>Kosher, or bad form?</p>

<p>Extra evaluations are totally fine.</p>

<p>Matt says


<p>thanks again Mollie
He wants to send in an extra rec from his music teacher/choral director (kind of like a coach I guess). He feels he needs to send the one from his English teacher because she can speak to his struggle with writing since she has taught him for 2 years (small school/few teachers) and has seen his hard work and improvement despite his poor grades in English. I agree with him that this may help explain his rather lopsided transcripts. But he feels the positive music rec will round him out a bit in the humanities, to show he is not just a math geek who can’t write too well under pressure.

<p>I agree with Mollie, as usual. I personally asked my research mentor to send in an extra recommendation - but of course there are also plenty of people who don’t send in any additional recs.</p>

<p>And theorymom, I definitely understand what you mean about the “not just a geek who can’t write too well” thing - creative writing was one of the things I enjoyed most in high school, but I didn’t have enough space to talk about it at length on my college apps…so I asked my 11th grade English teacher (who had the biggest impact on my writing of any of my high-school teachers) if she could mention it in my recommendation. Seems like it worked. :)</p>