Sending official ACT superscore- please help!

Several weeks ago both my HS seniors ordered official ACT superscore reports sent to the colleges that do not accept self-reported scores.

I noticed today that for both of them, the Order History only indicates that the last test taken was sent to the schools. I placed the order my following the “Send My Superscore” link on the ACT scores website and it specifically says that the superscore, the highest, sitting, and all other sittings that contribute to the SS will be sent. But that’s not what the Order History has in the order. My Ds last score was not her highest score either.

So, how do I know what the schools received? Has anyone else encountered this?

Getting down to deadlines!

I just checked my S’s order history and his shows the same. I ordered the superscore, but it shows the latest score was sent. He was admitted to one of the schools that it was sent to, but I can’t see what scores they have on their portal. Let me know what you find out!

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This happened to us too. I called ACT (they actually answer remarkably fast!) I was told the superscore was sent and the way you can check is log in and click Scores at the top. Then on the right click “My Reports” and is shows where it was sent and what score/subsections. Hope this helps.

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Same thing happened to me. Yes, the ACT order history is extremely misleading. Once I emailed them in a panic, I got an email back confirming that my superscore was sent, but I never did see a way to verify that other than their emailed reply to me.

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Thanks! I did this and it shows that the appropriate scores were sent to each school.


ACT confirmed the SS was sent and it just reflects the last test date.