<p>Are there any possible alternatives to paying for sending these scores off? Because I have a lot--and I do mean A LOT--of colleges lined up, and I can't be arsed to narrow them down to an affordable amount, so I need a free alternative that colleges will accept. </p>
<p>Note: I already know about SAT fee waivers, I've squandered them foolishly and scores can't be canceled once you've done the final input. >.></p>
<p>I know if you send your score report to your school they can/will include it on your High School Transcript which generally must be sent anyways but this is not an official report as if a counselor really, really liked you I guess they could change it. But some college I am sure would take this. However if they ask for an official report there is nothing you can do but to pay for the scores to be sent. Might I suggest narrowing your college list down to ones you are more likely to get into/more likely to receive money from? That could help you reduce the costs. Hope that helps!</p>
<p>College Board sends rather official looking stickers that can be placed on the transcript. You might call the colleges and ask if that is sufficient.</p>
<p>I’ll have to consider that. Thanks! ^_^</p>
<p>It does
And don’t worry, I’m already in the narrowing process. There are just a lot of factors to consider, you know? I just wish I hadn’t used up all my waivers. :(</p>