Sending SAT Scores

I need to send SAT scores from Collegeboard to my early application schools. However, I can’t find anywhere on the internet when colleges need the SAT scores by. Should I purchase the rush scores option on the Collegeboard score send page?

If you’re sending them right now, you definitely don’t need to rush them. Just checking - are your early schools saying that they require official score reports, or just require scores? There are some schools that do require official score reports at time of application, but most just require it before enrollment. You might be able to save money if you read closely!

This should be on every college’s website…the page showing important deadlines and/or standardized testing requirements.

Some schools that require official scores need them by the app deadline (U Maryland for example), others give a week or so after the app deadline to get in scores. As noted above, many schools allow self reporting of test scores, so save $ where possible.

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