Sending SAT Scores

<p>So I will be taking Math IIc in January and have put JHU as a school to recieve my scores. Do I have to also send out the scores I have right now, thus sending my scores twice(expensive)
Or will JHU just take my word for it now(regarding the scores I said I had on the common app) and then will be okay with recieveing all the scores at once after the January the Jan Testing?</p>

<p>Thanks Alot.</p>

<p>Well— says: </p>

<p>“A Note on Standardized Test Dates
Johns Hopkins strongly recommends that Early Decision (ED) candidates complete their required standardized tests no later than October of their senior year. Regular Decision (RD) candidates should complete the required tests no later than December of their senior year.”</p>

<p>With this in mind, know that your Jan. scores will be complete the 3rd week of that month (I always get my scores on Thursdays…) and that is also when your scores will be sent—if JHU wants testing done by Dec. then I’m guessing they prefer scores before the end of Dec. </p>

<p>So that leaves you with your “when to send” problem. Unless you rush your scores (which I’m told colleges don’t like) it’ll still take 1-2 weeks for them to be sent/processed/whatever collegeboard spends it time doing, and so… I don’t know. (Sorry.) It’s your call, really. I just thought I’d give you some things to think about. </p>

<p>I personally wouldn’t be frugal on this issue, though I suppose AdmissionsDaniel will offer some more solid direction here haha.</p>

<p>YES you need to send your test scores that you have already taken as soon as possible. In fact, you are already late. Johns Hopkins requires that test scores be requested from the testing agencies prior to our stated application deadlines (Jan. 1st for RD). Though the scores may arrive past the deadline they will still be considered if requested in advance of the deadline. There is no need to rush score reports as they do not arrive any earlier.</p>

<p>As far as taking January exams, see the message taken from the JHU web site that is posted above: [Hopkins</a> Undergraduate Admissions :: Apply :: Standardized Test Requirements](<a href=“]Hopkins”></p>

<p>Since there is no guarantee that January scores will arrive in time, you need to submit all your previous tests now or else your application will be considered incomplete.</p>

<p>Okay Thank You</p>