sending scores to colleges

<p>when I registered to retake my SAT2 Math2C, I decided not to send the score to any colleges (for all my other tests previously I did). I got a 800 on the test and I'm trying to send the SAT2 Math 2C score to Brown, but the collegeboard website is not letting me. It is saying that I need to send all my scores to Brown when I only need to send my Math 2C and the website it trying to charge me $9.00. (I already sent all my scores for my other sat2s when I first registered). Isn't the first 4 score recipients free? Is that only when I first register for the test? Is there any way I can send the Math 2C score for free?

<p>It is only free when you first register. Later you pay ...</p>

<p>im registered for the sat for april and june. i selected the four colleges that i wanted to recieve my sat scores. will the four colleges recieve all my scores, including sat2s? if so, i don't have to worry about paying $9 for Brown to recieve my Math 2c. Can anyone confirm this?</p>

<p>It'll be fine. All SAT Score reports are cumulative, meaning you send one score, the colleges get that score and all the previous ones as well.</p>


<p>Here is your confirmation that ALL scores will be sent:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>"All available scores will be sent, including those from previous test administrations. You cannot send only your latest or highest SAT Reasoning Test scores, or separate scores for critical reading or math or writing, or only SAT Reasoning Test or only SAT Subject Tests scores."</p>