My son got an email today requesting he go ahead and send his transcript to a university we visited this Spring. He is planning to apply, so we just requested his transcript be sent to that school. Should we go ahead and request a transcript be sent to the other schools on his short list? Or wait to apply to the school before sending a transcript?
Should we send it to schools that are on his possible list? How about schools that he has some interest but has not visited yet?
Right now he only has 3 schools on his apply list, 2 more possibles, and maybe 3-4 more interested but haven’t visited yet, so it’s not a huge list.
He’s my oldest child, so we haven’t been through this before. I assumed he would apply and then send his transcript after he had applied. Now I’m wondering if there is any benefit to sending your transcript before applications open? Do they even look at them before you actually apply?
Thanks for your help.