<p>And my senior year hasn't even started yet!!!</p>
<p>I am VERY worried about not getting into a good college. I'm looking to be a high school science teacher, so I'm applying to a few different schools, namely:</p>
<p>-CSU Long Beach
-San Francisco State
-Colorado Christian
-University of Colorado, Boulder</p>
<p>I have about a 3.8 GPA, I've taken AP US History (but only got a 2 on the test), I've attended a few summer leadership programs, I participate in a lot of extracurriculars and I have about 93 hours of Community Service...it's likely that I'll have about 130 by graduation. Do you guys think you could help put my anxiety at ease and tell me if I'm likely to get in to at least one of these schools? Thank you for any help you can provide, I'm already a nervous wreck!!!</p>
<p>can you please post standardized test scores, a list of exactly what your extracurriculars were, and where you volunteered?</p>
<p>Your GPA is strong. If your scores match this then I suspect you will get in, although I'm not sure how in-state/out-of-state status will affect admission. If you could post your scores and main ECs it would give us a better idea of your chances.</p>
<p>Even with just average SAT scores, you should easily get into them all.</p>
<p>I scored a 1670 on the SAT I with an 8 on the essay (My math score really killed me, as I knew it would, math is definitely not my strong point). I scored 470 on the Math section, 580 on Critical Reading and 620 on Writing.</p>
<p>I also took Literature, Math II and Chemistry subject tests and scored 470 on Math (again, math is nowhere near my strong point), 540 on Literature and 450 on Chemistry.</p>
<p>For the volunteer work that I have logged: I was a teacher's aide in summer school, which got me 73 hours. I was also a teacher's aide during the regular school year but did not receive credit and chose instead to receive community service hours, which got me 20 hours. However, I also have several hours I have not logged including singing for the Most Inspiring Student Dinner Awards in my city and doing various performances (with a group) for small children.</p>
<p>As for EC's:
-I was a member of the Women's Varsity golf team for 3 years
-I have been singing for school for the past 9 years and with my church for 3 years. I am involved in the top choir at my school and we have traveled to San Francisco State for a festival and to Jamestown with other choirs from my District for the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Jamestown.
-I have been involved in musical theatre for 7 years
-I am a Co-Chair for the club at my school called GirlsTalk, a club for girls (obviously) to discuss various issues from current events to safe weight loss/gain to pregnancy..pretty much everything under the sun.
-I have been on the Cultural Assembly Committee for 2 years
-I participated in the Invisible Children Club this year (Invisible Children is an organization helping to resolve the issue of child soldiers in Northern Uganda)</p>
<p>That's all the EC's that come to mind.</p>
<p>Oh. I've also received several academic and other awards, including:
-Medal of Merit Nomination (English)
-3 Science Awards of varying levels (Meteor, Comet, Nova)..there are 6 possible awards that can be earned
-Most Dedicated Player (golf team)
-Junior Varsity and Varsity golf letters
-Choir letter
-Outstanding English Student
-Outstanding Modern World History Student</p>
<p>I'm also ranked about 31st in a class of about 800. </p>
<p>Thank you SO MUCH for your help!!!</p>
<p>Thank you very much!!! :)</p>