Senior Classes for Next Year

I wasn’t really sure where to put this but I am planning to major in Nursing. I will be a senior in high school next year so I was hoping for some help regarding my classes. I am for sure taking AP Psychology, AP Gov, Honors Calc, honors English, honors environment, and photography (I have been taking this since freshman year so its not really an option for me to drop it). My school requires some form of economics senior year. I’m thinking of taking AP econ is this a good idea considering I want to be a nursing major? What other classes can I take that would make me look more competitive?

Take a look at the A-G requirements for Nursing and make sure you have them covered as well as your own school’s requirements. It doesn’t look like you have any available capacity to take on any additional courses from the ones you already listed especially if you also have to add an Econ class as you suggested. As far as to your question of what would make you more competitive - any and all of the STEM are important. AP Psych is a great choice that you already have. How about Physio or Stats?

Are you taking science (bio, chem or physics) and math (calculus or statistics) senior year?

@happy1 I actually really want to take stats but I heard at my school its a difficult course load of you take Calc and Stats. I will be taking honors calc and honors environment (I already took regular bio, honors chem, and honors physics)

As far as I have seen, you won’t need Calculus for nursing, but Statistics seems to be a required class in most programs (not required in HS, but in the nursing program.) Is Anatomy available at your school?

I never took physics or statistics but I’ve gotten to all the nursing program I’ve applied to so far

Does your school offer anatomy and physiology (honors)?
AP econ would be very rigorous and may be associated with AP gov (one semester of each) - check how your school does it.

I would try to take stats if at all possible. Every program we looked at included it, and it’s helpful to at least be familiar with it.

My daughter took AP Calculus and a dual-enrollment physics class her senior year (this year), and got into every program she applied to. She took A&P junior year, and honors chem and honors bio sophomore year. It’s hard to tell what they are looking for, and it varies school to school. But, stats will be a very useful class.

Do you have a 7-period day?

Yes @MYOS1634

Show basically the only classes that can change are Calculus or AP stats, and environmental science or anatomy and physiology + you’d have to take AP economics or another form or econ, right?

Yeah basically @MYOS1634 I am required to take some form of econ. I can choose if I want to take Calc or Stats and my school requires only 3 years of science but since I want to become a nurse I should prob take 4 years.

There is no reason to take Calc to go to nursing school. It will be a waste of your time and energy. Stats is part of the curriculum for most nursing programs.

I’d put most of your energy senior year into an AP level bio or anatomy class.

A high school econ class is good for everyone, even though it is not part of a nursing curriculum.

I agree with @Charliesch. My daughter is a senior and taking AP stats and Anatomy. She took AP Bio last year. Hopefully taking these will make her freshman year a bit easier. Please check the programs you are interested in! My daughter chose not to take Physics as the programs she was first looking at did not require it. However, she visited UConn and liked it, but found out later that UConn nursing requires physics so she did not apply.

Yes, it is very rare for colleges to require physics for nursing. An AP bio or AP anatomy class is also a good test of whether you can handle nursing classes.