<p>I'm choosing my schedule tom. for sr yr and i cant decide what to take. I will be applying to top colleges such as hyp and i want to know if they weight hardness of courseload or grades more, specifically in senior year</p>
<p>I will def. be taking these:
Ap english lit
Ap stat
Ap french lit
Ap calc bc</p>
<p>But should I take both Ap chem and Ap physics, or choose one?
Should I aim for 6 AP's and prob. a B+ or 2 (i'm not planning to try much next yr.) or go for 5 and just get all A's</p>
<p>colleges dont expect you to take two AP sciences...however, if you could take the class and do well, take it. If you feel it will be a horrible drain, don't.</p>
<p>You're not going like this, but I suggest you take 6 and get all A's. But if that's not going to happen then I would go for just 5 APs and concentrate on a new extracurricular or something like that.</p>
<p>One final thing: if you want to get into Harvard, you should probably plan on trying at least a little bit next year. Just a thought. Good luck.</p>
<p>Don't drag yourself down with AP courses you can't handle. There are literally thousands of promising people that blew their chances just because of one AP course grade that went a little astray.</p>
<p>do 5 APs. i considered two sciences, but that would only have been if i dropped spanish (which i didnt)
but if you REALLY want to do both science, drop stat.
and no history?
if i was you, id take ap physics, drop stat, and take an ap history.</p>
<p>Ha, my school only offers 5 APs, and it's almost impossible to take them all. I think that is a gift, as I only have 1 this year and it is the only class that I have do homework in. If I had taken 5 AP classes this year, I know right about now I would be getting a report card with several Bs and I would be wondering what posessed me to take so many hard classes, and be pretty dissapointed about having to still try a lot the last semester of high school. Of course I am very busy with ECs, so it may be easier for you to fit everything in.</p>
<p>I can't take an AP history b/c I have taken them all already (euro, u.s., psychology)
I want to take stat b/c I want to major in business
still don't know about the science thing tho</p>
<p>doin chem and physics AP atm.. go hand in hand and is a breeze.. but i got B's 92.. bc of the midterms in both.. haha btw i take 5 AP's; im a senior</p>
<p>Which AP Physics are you talking about? Physics B, which has no calculus or Physics C which is calculus based and is technically 2 separate tests. The first is mechanics, the second is electricity and magnetism.</p>
<p>AP Physics B and AP Chem are not too bad with the other APs.
AP Physics C and AP Chem is torture especially with the other APs.</p>
<p>I would not suggest doing chem and physics. Physics is tourture enough, chem would only worsen it. Don't die senior year, HYP really arn't worth it. Stick with 5, you should be fine because you'll have an AP in every core subject. Just do well in them =)</p>
<p>I have 20+ friends who are taking a full schedule of AP's...these are the top 5% of kids at my school. They are doing fine, most have straight A's. If you have previously done well in your AP's and other classes, and are truly a smart and driven person, it's possible.
My best friend : Calc BC+French Lang+Bio+Eng. Lit+ Amer Gov (semester) + Macroecon (semester) + chem
Straight A's...all the others are just like this.</p>
<p>yeah but do they play any sport, hold any job, other activities? I work 30 hours per week and english is not my first language. ONLY homework makes me sleep no earlier than 3.</p>