<p>I am a junior year with 4 AP classes this year.</p>
<p>If I were to take 5 AP next year it would be:
AP Physics C or AP Chem
AP Econ
AP Lit
AP Calc BC
AP Computer Science</p>
<p>So, would that be a good idea? Or is it better to scale down?</p>
<p>Nah bro, you gonna be fine. I took four junior year and am taking 5 senior year. It’s gonna be chill.</p>
<p>@FireBallsDJ wow dude props those are really tough classes for a senior year lol. Im taking 5 ap’s senior year too but they are 5 of the easy ones (environmental,art,english,stats,gopo). I think if you can handle it then def cause it looks good to admissions that you took the most rigorous course plan that the school pretty much has to offer. </p>
<p>If you can handle them, sure. I mean, senioritis is real and everything, but I think senior year is one of the best times to take challenging classes because colleges won’t see all your senior-year grades when they make their decisions. </p>
<p>@halcyon4ever i actually never thought of it that way, now i kind of regret choosing ap stats over ap calc lol </p>
<p>Don’t worry. You’re not the only one. I’m taking 6 senior year. And some of them are hard: AP Bio, AP Calc BC, AP Physics C, and AP Lit</p>
<p>@halcyonheather Yeah that’s what I was thinking when I planned it. But I still don’t want too much and ruin my GPA (Even though it wouldn’t really matter anymore). I do want to do more things to have more ideas for my major.</p>
<p>If you can handle 4 APs this year then I’d say go for the 5 APs senior year if you think you’ll be able to handle it
I’m planning on taking 5 APs in senior year as well.</p>
<p>AP classes are like taking college courses. And in a year, all your classes will be “APs.”
Technical APs such as those will indeed help you decide a major and they aren’t nearly as bad as say, history :P</p>
<p>@tangentline Haha, I took AP World History last year and it was really easy for me. The big 3 science APs though… Ughhhhhh.</p>
<p>@eraserbitz Yeah, I hope so. This year is pretty much double the workload from last year. But I don’t have any science APs this year so that should help me</p>
<p>Wow, I had a really similar schedule senior year (I took 1 more AP and did research + varsity track but took AB instead). Don’t do it
I thought I could because my schedule had always been pretty challenging, but…</p>
<p><strong>impending rant</strong> I can’t tell you the level of burnout I experienced by the end of senior year taking those classes. All those all nighters of writing Lit papers, debugging code and trying to finish pages of differential equations and physics write-ups was really unpleasant. Not to mention the assignments I’d have to find a way to print out during passing period because I didn’t have enough to do that in the morning. My grades TANKED right in time for college applications, and I’m lucky that my #1 school was willing to give me another chance, but I know many people in my situation weren’t as fortunate. </p>
<p>I’m assuming you’re thinking of doing this for a stronger application. I know I did. Here’s the thing–as long as your counselor checks off “most rigorous” on the Common App for courses taken, you’re fine. After that, another one or two or ten AP’s probably won’t make a difference, except on your sanity.</p>
<p>If you’re bent on taking 5 AP’s, then I’d at least recommend some easier ones, or ones that you’re genuinely interested in. I would’ve very happily taken 7 in hindsight if I could’ve switched out Physics, Calc and CompSci for Art History, EnviSci, Psych and Human Geo. </p>
<p>But in better hindsight, I realistically would’ve taken like 3 or 4. You should consider doing so too. It’s your senior year–go out there and enjoy it! </p>
<p>@Coriander23 Thank you, that was the type of answer I was looking for: Someone with an actual experience.
Hearing your thoughts, I might switch out the science AP. I am not choosing these classes for college apps, but the classes kinda turned out that way. I have to take ComSci (My #1 school recommends it), I want to take Econ for my own future benefit, I want to take Calc BC because I worked hard this summer so I can do BC senior year. AP Lit will prepare me for writing (which I definitely want to improve). Physics C or Chemistry, well, I kinda just went and thought, why not? I will already have taken AP Physics B and Reg Chemistry by then, might as well learn even more.
I’ll probably base my decision after how I handle my classes this year. If need be, I’ll switch to some easier APs like you said. I don’t exactly want to work my butt off senior year either.
If I may ask, what was your #1 school? Mine is the University of Washington. </p>
<p>No problem! My #1 school was Cornell and I applied ED but was deferred. Despite my super abysmal midyear grades, they gave me a guaranteed transfer option in March, meaning that I can join their class of 2018 my sophomore year. I’m really happy with this chance to redeem myself because I definitely think I can do better than the 3.0 I got my senior year lol. </p>
<p>And I’m actually going to UW my freshman year (this year)!! It was one of my top choices and if Cornell hadn’t given me the GT offer I would probably be sticking around for the long haul
It’s a great school-- feel free to PM me if you have any questions! </p>
<p>Wow! What a coincidence! Thank you, I’ll definitely keep you in mind in case of questions. </p>