Senior Showcase

<p>My D went up to NY today for the Senior Showcase. She’s only a freshman but all of alumni and current students are invited. They have a full day of activities. 3 Master Classes and then 2 Showcases. I will report back about her day. If anybody else wants to chime in please do!!!</p>

<p>Okay, so I just got the call and my d said it was the best day ever!!! Amazing amount of info during the classes and the Seniors did UArts proud!!! I’ll get the details tomorrow when she’s home. I am so happy for the seniors and the school that it was a huge success.</p>

<p>My D also went up earlier and was with your D most of the time. My D took copious notes and also loved it, loved it. She also really enjoyed seeing West Side Story with her. They had such a great time.</p>

<p>Oh… so you are KK’s mom. My D loved WSS and said it was the best show she has seen! That was awesome that your D won the lottery and took her. My D came home the next day so I got to ask questions while it was all still fresh. Lots of valuable info. It seems like the NYC network for UArts is growing and that bodes well for the current students!!</p>

<p>Just heard that one of the UARTS students who preformed in that showcase was picked up for by an agent! This is great news as the showcase can now be an avenue for agents to come and see our talented students!</p>

<p>In case you didn’t see one of my legions of other posts about this (I’m excited, what can I say?), there are videos from the showcase up at</p>

<p>www dot youtube dot com slash uartstheatre</p>

<p>Please check them out, and subscribe to the channel for future updates.</p>