Senior superlatives 2

<p>I was nominated to participate in the Delegation on Diplomacy in Australia as a part of the International Scholar Laureate Program. I received this nomination b/c I am a member of the National Dean's List.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard of this before? The cost is $4800 which includes, air, food, hotel, tuition and other little costs. We'll visit the Australian National University, parliament, US Embassy, and such. </p>

<p>Here's my concern. I am applying for transfer admission to several Ivies and the University of Notre Dame. Will this activity be a significant part of my application? The experience will be personally gratifying, but for nearly 5k, I want it to benefit me in regards to admissions and future employment as well. </p>

<p>Please respond and share any details you might have.</p>

<p>I'm not quite sure why you posted the same thing under two different threads, but oh well.</p>

<p>To me, that program sounds similar to the Washington D.C. leadership thing and the P2P programs. It isn't worth spending 5+ grand just to put the experience on your college app. Even if you did, the signifance of simply going on the trip is minimal.</p>

<p>nobody was reading the other : )</p>