<p>So, I've been on the speech and debate team for two years without being in the class, and have been successful. However, our new coach is not going to let a person not be in the class and be on the team next year (my senior year). However, I had a full AP/honors schedule set up. Would dropping Physics E be a good substitute for speech? I say that because I am not planning on a career strong in math/lab science. My only problem is that I'm worried about my acceptance into UC Berkeley/Stanford because of this. After this year, I will have three lab sciences. But they weren't three different subjects (Chem, Bio, AP Bio). Should I drop Physics?</p>
<p>Next year's presumed schedule</p>
<p>AP Lit
AP Calc BC
AP Spanish
Newspaper (cannot quit this because I'm the editor in chief, and have been in the class since freshman year)
AP Econ/Gov't
Speech? or Physics?</p>
<p>btw, many schools do not have newspaper as a class, its an ec, so many students will have another class, with newspaper after school, so it almost looks like you have 4 classes only without the speech or physics</p>
<p>I think not having the AP is okay, its just that both of your choices, speech and newspaper, in alot of schools is an ec, and kids do that on top of having 6 classes</p>
<p>how important is speech to you? if you're in line for team captain or a toc bid or a state championship, then by all means, stay in the team. however, newspaper's a great ec too. </p>
<p>your sched's already pretty good, with 4 AP's. you have the necessary sci requirements down, so i guess it's a matter of personal choice now.</p>
<p>you should take physics......from the head of the science department in my school i heard that, physics is the divider of application in college......they divide application based on if who took physics and who didnt take physics........im not sure how much this works in which college, but some do it like that.....PLUS DONT YOU WANNA LEARN EINSTEIN'S THEORY OF RELATIVITY (E=MC^2) thats whats physics is alive for.........your realling going to miss something fun if you drop out</p>
<p>Depends on what colleges you're applying to. I don't think that having ONE non AP class will spell certain doom. Use it as essay material: </p>
<p>"Swallowing nevously, trying to force the butterflies out of my stomach, I stepped into the classroom. I was terrified. It was my first ever non-AP class.... dun dun dun"</p>
<p>My school doesn't even OFFER Aps (or physics, for that matter), and we still get into decent schools.</p>
<p>I agree that you should take physics. It doesn't have to be AP Physics, but do take the class. Two Bio classes don't really cover the science requirement for most selective colleges. Many high schools kids will take either the bio OR AP bio, not both, then Chem and Physics.
It's really sad when schools pit high level science against important ECs like debate and newspaper. I'd recommend physics over either of them, though.</p>
<p>4 AP's + continuity of your extracurriculars > 5 AP's and sacrificing something you really want to do. You could always, as suggested, drop the Gov class and take Physics anyways, but I'll warn you, AP Physics is a monster.</p>
<p>"Depends on what colleges you're applying to. I don't think that having ONE non AP class will spell certain doom. Use it as essay material: </p>
<p>"Swallowing nevously, trying to force the butterflies out of my stomach, I stepped into the classroom. I was terrified. It was my first ever non-AP class.... dun dun dun"</p>
<p>My school doesn't even OFFER Aps (or physics, for that matter), and we still get into decent schools."</p>
<p>Is community high a public school? If so, yes. I think I'm going to try to take physics at a community college in the fall. Some students are advising me that it is easier than physics E. Speech is important to me. I'm Chairperson/After school president right now, so being in the class will almost guarantee me an office. And I like competing. =)</p>
<p>Thanks for the help everybody. I'm still really nervous, and am seriously weighing all my options.</p>
<p>As a President of a Debate team and national competitor, I think that if Debate is your most favored EC, then you should stick on the team by taking the class, as you can always do an independent study of an AP class and take the exam. Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks. Speech is definitely one of my top EC committments. I'm also trying to take into account that I'm not a strong math/science person (although that is no excuse).</p>
<p>Bestmiler1, was this a science-oriented school, or a public university?</p>
<p>You said "science department in my school." I'm assuming you're attending a University? If so, I was wondering if your school was a science-heavy school.</p>
<p>IF you can swing it, it would be good to take SOME form of physics, whether it's AP or not. Schools like 3 or better yet even 4 years of science & definitely like to see students having taken bio, chem & physics.
It will also depend on what major you're planning to pursue in college & which colleges you're planning to apply to, but nice to have the background in HS physics. (That said, I never took ANY science courses in college, but did take HS physics & struggled with it. I majored in sociology & took other courses to get my science/math credits--like computer science.)
Maybe your GC can help advise you.</p>