Senior Year Class Schedules

<p>What classes do you take or do you plan on taking? And is this schedule still rigorous?</p>

<p>1) Religion (required)
2) Advanced British Lit
3) AP Gov / Econ
4) AP Calc AB
5) AP Statistics
6) Physics
7) Honors Anatomy</p>

<p>I'm worried about it becuase it would be the first year that I'm not taking the most rigorous schedule as possible. (instead of AP English - Adavanced, instead of AP Physics - regular)
I just really want to take 4 math/science classes so I have to take less rigorous classes.</p>

<p>It looks good since you have 3 AP class and an Honors. But I would probably change it to AP physics and English.</p>

<p>I’m a senior and taking AP Eng Lit, Calc BC, Bio, Envir. Sci., Psychology, MicroEco, and Gov (next semester).</p>

<p>how can you graduate without 4 years of English?</p>

<p>Looks fine. Remember though it’s your senior year and you’ll have a lot of excess stuff to do, plus you want to have fun and not have a killer schedule. </p>

<p>My schedule:
AP Prob and Stats
Spanish 4
Tao In Thought and Lit
Math Lab Tutor (2nd semester)
Math Tutor
Comp Apps (2nd semester)
Honors Humanities I
Honors Humanities II</p>

<p>With 2 math and 2 science classes I don’t think I can handle AP English and/or AP Physics and get good grades. The Physics teacher at my school doesn’t teach and the AP English teacher is cruel. </p>

<p>I’ve always taken the most rigorous schedule possible and got B/B plus averages. I want to get good grades for once.</p>

<p>^ Then stick with your schedule.</p>

<p>Post #3: I’m guessing the Advanced British Lit meets the English requirement.</p>

IB English IV
IB 20th Century World Topics
IB Physics II
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB Spanish
Calculus III (college class)
AP Environment Science
AP Statistics
Band <- lol at this one</p>

<p>Hopefully something like</p>

<p>AP Macro+Micro
AP Biology
AP Physics
AP Stats and/or Multivar Calc (CC)
AP Spanish
AP English
H Theology IV</p>

<p>Awesome! What else is everyone taking?
I wish my school offered more classes like Theory of Knowledge.</p>

<p>Next semester I’ll have</p>

<p>At school:
AP Physics B
Graphic Arts
H Spanish 3</p>

AP Stat</p>

<p>My Schedule
AP English Literature and Composition
AP US History II (NJ mandates two years of this)
Health/Physical Education 12
*Music Theory I<a href=“for%20graduation%20requirement”>/I</a>
*Science and Engineering Honors Advanced Study Math<a href=“Multivariable%20Calculus%20and%20Linear%20Algebra”>/I</a>
*Science and Engineering Honors Engineering Research<a href=“projects%20into%20topics%20like%20digital%20interfacing,%20magnetism,%20fluid%20flow,%20astronomy,%20mathematics,%20etc”>/I</a>
*AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism<a href=“we%20took%20Mechanics%20last%20year%20and%20overall,%20we%20learn%20both%20Physics%20C%20and%20Physics%20B’s%20curriculum”>/I</a></p>

<p>Next year:</p>

<p>AP Gov/AP Econ
AP English
AP French
AP Biology
Honors Physics

<p>AP Chem
AP Englit
AP Calc AB
Honors US History
Honors Physics</p>

<p>Next Year: Hopefully
first term
AP Calc BC
AP Chem
AP psych
AP Gov’t
Intel Research
Video Production
Early British Literature
second term: same except no intel research and no video production, have gym instead; and AP either macro or micro economics instead of gov’t, and probably an English elective instead of Brit Lit.</p>

<p>Next year, hopefully:
AP English Lit
AP American Gov.
AP MAcroecon
AP Calculus BC
AP Biology
AP Physics C (depending on if i survive honors physics)

<p>AP Calc AB
AP Comp/Lit
AP Government
Honors Anatomy
French III H
Student Tutor
Theatre IV</p>

<p>It’s the hardest schedule my school offers, unless I took AP physics (but every single person who took the test last year got a 1 or 2, shows you how good the teacher was).
But compared to everyone else it feels a little pathetic haha</p>

<p>AP English Literature <– can’t wait! :slight_smile: my AD coach teaches this
AP Calculus AB
AP Spanish
AP Biology

  • misc. electives, depending on what fits into my schedule</p>

<p>I’d like to take:
Honors Accounting
Honors Great Books
Honors Humanities Seminar
Civil War
Global Issues</p>

<p>But I’m also OK with:
Studio Art (haha, when I don’t have an art class, I want one, but when I do, I’m like, “What was I thinking?!”)
Fundamentals of Business
Anatomy & Physiology
Investing & the Stock Market
Intro to Java/AP Comp Sci A (A lot of my friends, inc. myself, wanted to take AP Comp Sci in senior year, but we couldn’t take Intro to Java this year, so we didn’t fulfill the prereqs. Maybe since there’s a bunch of us, we can figure a way around it ;)</p>

<p>lol. I hope my schedule works out. It hasn’t since freshman year XD, but as long as I get my AP classes, I’ll be fine. :p</p>

<p>Probably won’t start thinking about it until spring of junior year…that’s when we have to decide </p>

<p>But right now debating between</p>

<p>AP US Gov or AP Comparative Politics (any suggestions?)</p>

<p>and whether to take AP Stat (…alot of people say it’s less math and more writing. WHich sounds kind of gross. But the college credit might be helpful? And some say it’s extremely easy because it’s less math…feedback?)</p>

<p>Don’t know whether to take AP Psych
If the teacher is bad…is it easy to self-study for the AP exam?
Not that I’ll care THAT much about the AP exams by senior year…haha</p>

<p>@ smile614:
I know that AP US Gov at my school is a one semester course; I take AP Macroeconomics the other semester. But between gov and comparative politics, I’d say take gov.
As for math, have you taking calculus? If you haven’t, it would look good to take calculus in high school. Otherwise, take AP Stat. It’s relatively easy and it will help you in college. Everything in the world needs statistics lol.
AP Psych is the easiest AP and class imo. Even if teacher is garbage, study week before and you’ll get a 5.</p>

<p>my senior schedule:
AP Stat
AP Bio
AP Environmental Science
AP English Lit
AP Macroeconomics/US Gov
Academic decathlon</p>