Senior Year Classes

<p>Hi! North Carolina is on a new schedule where every junior has to sign up for our senior classes by the time school lets out for Christmas. But I'm kind of stuck on what to take. Can any of you help? Here's what I've decided on so far:</p>

<pre><code> English 4 AP
Allied Health 2
Spanish 3
Theatre Arts

<p>But I'm stuck on my 8th class. Would it be better to take Biology AP, U.S. History AP, or Foods 2?</p>


<p>AP Bio 10char</p>

<p>I’d say APUSH, because you already have a science in your schedule, but I don’t see any humanities/social studies class.</p>

<p>And APUSH is a lot easier than AP Bio, in my limited experience ;).</p>

<p>Ap US ftw, you don’t seem to have a humanities in there, and its way easier than Bio (for me at least, i’d say)</p>

<p>go for APUSH; having a good knowledge of American history is really valuable.</p>

<p>Take one out and put both AP Biology and APUSH in there.</p>

<p>Don’t you, like… have to take US History? Lol. We definitely have to take it at my school to graduate, and some colleges [as far as I know…] require it for admission.</p>

<p>So, APUSH :]</p>

<p>Definitely APUSH, unless your APUSH teacher sucks. It actually requires some critical thinking, as opposed to AP Bio’s overwhelming emphasis on pure memorization.</p>

<p>Oh, and nobody has asked… what is this Foods 2 thing? Lololololol. Don’t take that, whatever you do!</p>

<p>I personally hated APUSH, with a passion, but in general, I think it’s the AP that you most need. I should have known I would dislike it, since I hated 8th grade American history, but I wouldn’t have taken regular US history anyway.
Unless you really dislike American history already, take APUSH.</p>

<p>Yeah, Foods 2? I’m curious as to why you took Foods 1, unless it’s a good culinary program like my school (for no apparent reason) has. It seems kind of…random and weird.</p>

<p>But I’d say round out your schedule with a social studies–go for APUSH.</p>

<p>Foods 2 [10char</p>

<p>Anything with food has to be good</p>