Senior year first quarter grades for ED?

<p>I've been doing really well all through high school, taking the hardest possible courses and getting really good grades. However, for my first quarter of senior year, I've taken as many AP's as I possibly can (which is more than I could before) and a lot of my A's went to B's and I don't think I'm going to send in my first quarter grades. My guidance counselor says you don't have to send them in on your own, but that sometimes the college calls and asks for them. Anyone know if Columbia usually does this, and if so, if your senior year grades are really that important, especially if they've only gone down due to an increase in rigor in my courseload?</p>

<p>good question, my grades this quarter suck… eek.</p>

<p>I called them. They want it instead because semester grades come out too late.</p>

<p>Ya I’m in the same boat. I Did great in AP Euro last year, but AP Calc going to kill my rank since I got a B. I figure I won’t send them unless they ask. I mean my school just got this new grading system and we won’t get our report cards for weeks, so I figure what’s the rush?</p>

<p>you don’t have to send the mid-year report until semester grades come out… i tried to see if what confused idiot was right… but i found this… “If you are offered admission under the Early
Decision plan, we expect you to maintain the
same curriculum which you were pursuing at
the point of admission. You must request
permission from the Office of Undergraduate
Admissions should you wish to make any nonelective
course changes. You must submit the
Mid-Year School Report and eventually a final
transcript. Your academic performance will be
monitored and evaluated through the end of
the senior year.”</p>

<p>it doesn’t say that EDers should send in quarter grades.</p>

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<p>Seriously, did you READ what I said?</p>

<p>I said it was on the SECONDARY REPORT.</p>

<p>okay, soooo i think it’s pretty clear based on ConfusedIdiot’s info that quarter grades are pretty much required unless there are special circumstances (i.e. your school works on a semester system and grades don’t come out until december). now that that’s settled, i’m not entirely sure how to go about sending columbia my grades. it’s now late november. does anyone know if having my guidance counselor fax my updated transcript there is acceptable?</p>

<p>yes that is acceptable.</p>

<p>I’m a little nervous.
My grades aren’t as good as they could have been.</p>

<p>Statistics: A
Government: A-
Psychology: A
Chemistry: A-
Spanish: B-
English Lit: B+</p>

<p>Taking 6 AP classes blows, so my GPA here is 3.57.
I’m hoping Columbia will look at other things besides grades but to be fair I’ve been becoming increasingly more content with attending Michigan.</p>

<p>dude those grades are fine, they are not going to keep you out of Columbia…</p>

<p>yeahh i didn’t do any better than that. i think when you are taking a ton of APs senior year like us it’s ok. i think what’s more important are your grades from sophomore and junior year.</p>