Senior Year Schedule

Hello, I am a rising senior, and I just want someone’s opinion on my senior schedule. Here it is:

AP AB Calc.
AP Engl. Lit.
AP 2D Studio (Photography)
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Span. Lang.
Honors Physics
Honors World History

Just for some reference, this is my junior year schedule:

AP Chemistry (double period)
AP Engl. Lang.
AP Macro/Micro
Honors Precalculus
Photography 3
Honors Spanish 5

I am most likely going to be a science major - I am not 100% sure yet - in college, so I want to be portrayed as someone who takes rigorous science classes but is also well-rounded. World history is required, and the AP in that class is the most time-consuming and difficult course my school offers, which is why I am not taking it. Same goes for AP Physics; it is a very difficult class, so I opted for honors. Contrary to my opinion, should I take AP Physics 1 though? I am not taking a “real” AP science course (I am not considering AP Computer Science Principles as a science), but should I be taking one? I could switch into AP Physics 1 or maybe drop AP Computer Principles for a more suitable course. Feel free to ask questions about what my school offers and anything else pertaining to my school’s class culture.

Thanks and have a good summer!

If you are going to be a science major, I would see if I could take the AP Physics.
Drop the AP Computer Science principles if you have to.

AP CS principles should be a good overview of CS.

A high school physics course is helpful to get an overview of physics before taking physics in college. Regular high school physics will cover more stuff in less depth compared to AP physics 1; the latter is not necessarily “better” as preparation for physics in college.