Hello, I am a rising senior, and I just want someone’s opinion on my senior schedule. Here it is:
AP AB Calc.
AP Engl. Lit.
AP 2D Studio (Photography)
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Span. Lang.
Honors Physics
Honors World History
Just for some reference, this is my junior year schedule:
AP Chemistry (double period)
AP Engl. Lang.
AP Macro/Micro
Honors Precalculus
Photography 3
Honors Spanish 5
I am most likely going to be a science major - I am not 100% sure yet - in college, so I want to be portrayed as someone who takes rigorous science classes but is also well-rounded. World history is required, and the AP in that class is the most time-consuming and difficult course my school offers, which is why I am not taking it. Same goes for AP Physics; it is a very difficult class, so I opted for honors. Contrary to my opinion, should I take AP Physics 1 though? I am not taking a “real” AP science course (I am not considering AP Computer Science Principles as a science), but should I be taking one? I could switch into AP Physics 1 or maybe drop AP Computer Principles for a more suitable course. Feel free to ask questions about what my school offers and anything else pertaining to my school’s class culture.
Thanks and have a good summer!