<p>Hi, I have two possible schedules for my senior year next year and I was wondering if choosing one over the other would impact my chances of getting into top tier colleges. The differences between the 2 schedules are AP stat and Honors Physics vs. Normal Calculus and AP Chem. I haven't taken physics yet in high school but can't fit AP into my schedule whereas I've already taken honors chem. I'll be applying as a poly sci major most likely so I think AP stat would be more relevant than normal calc. Also, I can take French 6 (the highest level of french offered at my school) either just 1st semester or both semesters. Would you recommend taking it both semesters or will one suffice? There are other classes I'd rather take second semester but I know 4 years of language is important. Regardless of which math/science/language path I choose, I know I'll be taking AP Comp Gov, AP Lit, and AP Music Theory. </p>
<p>Oh, and the normal calc/AP chem schedule would conflict with French. So it’s either:
1 - AP Stat
2 - French 6
3 - Study
4 - Honors Physics
5 - AP Lit
6 - AP Comp Gov
7 - AP Music Theory
8 - Study</p>
<p>1 - Calc
2 - AP Chem
3 - Study
4 - Elective (probably either music appreciation 2 or adv. guitar)
5 - AP Lit
6 - AP Comp Gov
7 - AP Music Theory
8 - Study</p>
<p>I think you should stick with your first schedule, because in your second version, you said your elective would be music appreciation 2/advanced guitar, and you are already taking AP music theory. It’s better IMO to take the 6th level of a language. If they have AP french at your school, take it.</p>
<p>This is coming from a non-math person: Calc is not hard. So you shouldn’t stick with normal calculus, when you can probably do just as well in AP calc. Take AP Stat and honors physics, because in normal calc/AP chem, you have one “normal” class whereas in AP Stat/honors physics, you have one AP and one honors.</p>
<p>Just my opinion.</p>
<p>Okay, thanks! I would consider taking AP calc but it conflicts with AP music theory which I’m definitely taking. Unfortunately they don’t offer AP French at my school</p>
<p>I agree with the first schedule, and you are at a very high level of french, most AP french classes are only equivalent to french 4/5, so you can still take the AP test without being enrolled in the class, or you could take the french subject test if you felt like it to(you could choose to do with or without listening).</p>
<p>AP Literature and Composition
AP Japanese
AP Statistics
Calculus D (offered by a community college at my school)
Physics Honors
Advanced Foods (for the obvious reasons)</p>