Senioritis and Asian Parents

<p>Okay, seriously, does anyone else have a problem with their Asian parents and senioritis? My grades haven't mattered at all since I got into my ED school in December, but my parents are giving me hell about slacking off. No amount of explaining works...they just refuse to believe that my grades can sink to B's and it won't make a difference. Now they've gone so far as to confiscate all of my games and are threatening to remove the internet. I worked really hard for 3.5 yrs to get where I am now and I feel like I'm being cheated out of what I see as an 8-month hiatus before things really get tough...Anyone relate?</p>

<p>I find the name nj<em>azn</em>premed to be extremely nerdy</p>

<p>its purposeful…not necessarily to be nerdy, but rather to be sarcastic by identifying myself through a common stereotype…and, if I was nerdy, I think I’d actually care about my grades</p>

<p>Well I guess your parents can look forward to you getting Bs at Upenn lol…:p</p>

<p>omg you’re as delusional as my parents…they think that low grades now translate into low grades later…</p>

<p>Premeds aren’t nerdy, they’re grade whores.</p>

<p>Maybe your parents value education over grades.</p>

<p>I don’t understand…</p>

<p>How do you have inflammation of the senior?</p>

<p>^“Ooh, my cousin had that. You get a rash on the…you know.”</p>

<p>Any moment where Legally Blonde can be applied is a moment worth getting out of bed for. :)</p>

<p>congrats. i got into stanford EA and im slacking as well. Just drop to b’s and if ur rents complain… SO WHAT!!!</p>

<p>^sorry, but imo that’s very lame advice…</p>

<p>I would advise you to not drop from A’s to B’s but just cut down on the EC’s that you did to look good on paper, and maybe try to pull off low A-'s so your parents won’t be worried about your gpa…</p>

<p>No thats great advice. senior year is the last chance u have to do whatever you want without consequence. He got into U freakin Penn .He deserves to relax, screw his grades. he’ll regret it if he doesnt.</p>

<p>undergrad is not the end of the road, it’s the beginning of a new one and frankly, imo it’s possible to have fun and get your a’s at the same time…</p>

<p>Senior year is your chance to learn stuff that you’ll need to build upon when you go to college. A weak calculus/multivariable/whatever background now will come back to bite you when you have to use it later. On the flipside, whatever you learn well in high school will pay massive dividends in college when all your classmates who slacked off senior year are scrambling to learn senior-year material in a way more stressful environment. College goes a lot faster than high school, so anything you can learn now is stuff you’ll have a much more solid grip on.</p>


<p>I would say just try to finish strong. Yeah a few B’s aren’t going to kill you, but at least try to finish high-school on a strong note. In only 4 months it will be over anyway.</p>

<p>I got into my ED school too, and I know it’s hard to resist the temptation to slack.</p>