Sent my scores LATE? (to UC's)

So I thought I had arranged for my December 6th subject test scores to be sent as soon as they were ready, but apparently I didn’t do that. I realized that 30 minutes ago. So I JUST NOW sent my scores to the UC’s. Am I too late? Will they not receive my scores because I sent them so late, on January 2nd? What can I do about this? I did not do rush report because it is expensive.

NOTE: I applied to UCLA, UCB, UCSD, UCSB, and UCI

First, I assume you sent them to only one UC because that is all you need to do–all UCs get them when you send to any one and thus you do not need to incur multiple charges with College Board. Second, you should be fine as to time as long as they get there before about mid–Jan, which is highly likely.

@drusba‌ Yes, I only sent them to UCSD. And phew, that saves me a lot of stress. How long does it usually take for scores to arrive at the colleges?


We had those submit those already? Uh oh. Submitting scores now to UC’s and Cal Poly lol. I’m interested in the answer to this as well.

@pmast25‌ haha dude we’re in this together

dude idk if reading this will make you feel even worst and everything but i almost died when i read it


oh God… that is really really not what I wanted to read. Shit. What does that mean for us?

this comment and response is relieving:

December 31, 2014 at 6:35 PM
Hi Ms. Sun! So…I sent my scores on Christmas. However, I checked collegeboard and it said they sent the scores today, the 31st. Would this be a big problem considering scores take 2 weeks to get delivered? I’m so worried.


Ms. Sun
January 2, 2015 at 11:48 AM
Each campus does something different with scores. Berkeley, for example, reviews the application with self-reported score and then verifies the score when the official score report shows up. I’m not sure what the other campuses do; perhaps your application will be held until the official score report shows up.


I hope it works out for you guys!

I sent my scores to Berkeley yesterday which apparently means it’s by mail and slower … ? I’m going to send one of my ACT’s electronically to a different UC just to be safe. If you sent yours to B or SD, might want to consider doing the same.

So I thought I would send my sat scores with the december subject test scores but then i do not know if i want to send my sat 2 scores. So i decided to send my sat 1 first on dec 15 instead and think about the sat 2 scores later. Would that delay my uc app? You said to send sat scores no later than nov 28 and i applied for UCB and UCSD, would these two UCs receive my sat 1 scores later? im crying over this. why didnt i seen this page earlier…

PS I ended up sending my sat 2 scores (really bad though [math 2 — 710 and chem — 700]) anyways because the UCs said they wanted to see all sat scores and i reported that i will send them the scores on my app. soo crying…


Ms. Sun
December 24, 2014 at 8:23 PM
Both Berkeley and San Diego receive scores by mail so the processing takes longer. I think your SAT Subject Test scores are fine (generally 700+ are considered very good). Log back into your UC application periodically to see if the official score report arrived (scroll down; the official scores should appear below your self-reported scores).


Lydia Tai
December 24, 2014 at 8:49 PM
But what about the fact that the scores are sent in late in December? Does that mean that my application would be reviewed later because of this? Would that affect my chances?


Ms. Sun
December 26, 2014 at 9:48 AM
I’ve really only heard of minor impact of delay from UCLA (Berkeley said no impact because they review based on self-reported score and verify the accuracy when the actual score report shows up). I don’t know what the other UCs do behind closed doors (I have no access to readers at the other UCs).


Deborah Vasquez
December 23, 2014 at 1:25 PM

I applied to LA and Berkeley. I updated my application with my highest SAT score in December. I already put them as the recipients before taking the exam, but I am worried about the timeline. Should I rush my scores?


Ms. Sun
December 24, 2014 at 8:19 PM
Nah, you should be fine. Log back into your UC application periodically to see if the official score report arrived (scroll down; the official scores should appear below your self-reported scores).

I think you guys are going to be okay. I just got an e-mail from a school my son didn’t end up applying to (a very selective school) and they were checking to see if we had a problem and said we could still send in an application. We had sent them scores but nothing else and ran out of steam and time at the end and didn’t get them done. I think “they” are going to be forgiving about your scores if we had this niceness over an actual application.


My scores just arrived and are now officially on my application. So it’s all good.

Also, I called the UC admissions office a few days ago (before my scores were delivered) and they told me it’s fine to send scores early-mid January, just as long as the scores get there before the end of January.

So if you haven’t sent your scores to UC’s yet, SEND NOW.

Guys I’m having this same problem a year later.I thought I sent my subject tests to UCLA and berkeley back in december but very strangely it turns out I didnt… and it’s january 28th. Oh God.
I’m most probably screwed but is there anyway of saving my application?