Sentence error Q's

<p>The union [insisted] on an increase in [their] [members'] starting pay, and threatened to call a strike if the company [refused to] meet the demand. [No error]</p>

<p>The answer is their?</p>

<p>Illiteracy is an enormous problem,[A] it affects** millions of people worldwide,[C] and is an impediment to[D] social progress.</p>

<p>Why is the answer A?</p>

<p>For the first one, their refers to the union in that sentence. Union is singular, so their should actually be its.</p>

<p>For the second one I’m guessing its probably the “affect vs effect” difference but im not totally sure when to use which so you should probably look that up.</p>

<p>1) “their” is wrong because the union is singular, not plural. it should be “its”
2) A is the answer because the comma should be a semicolon. A semicolon divides two complete sentences. A comma cannot divide two complete sentences. </p>

<p>CORRECT: Illiteracy is an enormous problem. It affects millions of people worldwide.
CORRECT: Illiteracy is an enormous problem; it affects millions of people worldwide.
INCORRECT: Illiteracy is an enormous problem, it affects millions of people worldwide.</p>

<p>if you want to connect two ideas, you can use conjunctions like “because” and “and”</p>

Illiteracy is an enormous problem because it affects millions of people worldwide.
Illiteracy is an enormous problem, and it affects millions of people worldwide.
Illiteracy is an enormous problem and it affects millions of people worldwide.</p>