September 2018 Discussion. (NO ACT ANSWERS)

So, coming out of the September 2018 ACT, it felt completely different for me than the June 2018 ACT. Coming from personal experience, I felt I performed multiple composite scores better. I’m not sure if I was cursed by some voodoo magic during my june 2018 test but I found the math and reading section extremely difficult (might be because I came 7 minutes late into the reading test). Coming out of this test, I had the feeling that it was vastly different than past ACTs. For instance, the math section was simpler in my opinion (My June ACT’s math score was 6 lower than my average practice test score…). After a couple months of Elite, My june 2018 ACT ended up being a 30 (with a 25 in reading…RIP); But, after a few hundred practice questions of Magoosh, I felt like I was borderline omniscient on the test. My reading time was on point and I somehow finished 5 minutes early for each section and had enough time to recheck my “doubt” questions. I sped through english and math with only 1-2 question I wasn’t sure about, I actually finished reading by READING(not guessing), and I spaced out during science because it was my strongest section. I came out of that exam with a huge smile on my face.

Naturally, this is only my opinion, however, I would like to know what you guys felt about it and what you think was different, new, easier, or harder.

I think the math section was way easier than the July ACT. It seems as if the difficulty of the math section is either really basic or very challenging. To me the final 15 questions are usually the determining factor of my math score and I felt pretty confident as I worked my way through them. Science and Reading felt about the same as previous ACTs but I think English was a little bit easier due to the fact that there were less “style” based questions. On the July ACT, I felt that there were a ton of answers that looked like poor rewriting while using a thesaurus extremely liberally.

Did you get your results? My daughter took the ACT on September 8 and we are waiting for the results! We need to get college applications in this month - argh? Anyone else experiencing delays?

my son also took the test Sep 8 and is still showing as “registered” and doesn’t have his scores. I’ve emailed once we we’ve called twice trying to get confirmation that they have his form and still awaiting score, but they can’t give any status on whether it’s even been looked at yet. He has a Nov 1 deadline we’re trying to meet!