<p>I recently got my june act scores back:
30 Composite
30 E
30 M
30 R
31 S</p>
<p>I am a rising junior so i have quite a bit of time to take standardized tests. I forgot my stopwatch on test day and really messed up my timing, especially on math. My goal score for the september act is a 34. Most likely subscores would be 33E, 36M, 31R, 34S. I'm also studying for the PSAT for this coming october test. I came up with a study schedule and would like your input/advice on it:</p>
<p>Day 1 - study basic rules/read/vocab
Day 2 - take act test, grade
Day 3 - look over EVERY question and do similar missed problems
Day 4 - retake act test, grade
Day 5 - Take sat test, grade
Day 6 - look over EVERY question and do similar missed problems
Day 7 - retake sat test, grade</p>
<p>Any advice on it?</p>
<p>This is just a weekly schedule</p>
<p>That’s absurd.</p>
<p>The PSAT means nothing unless you’re going for NMS, which doesn’t really help you college-wise. Just go in and take it. No one will care what you get.</p>
<p>It’s also probably (in my opinion) too early to be taking the ACT, assuming you haven’t taken precalculus yet.</p>
<p>That, and honestly, that’s a ridiculous amount of work. One practice test a week for a couple months should do it. It only took me 5-6 practice tests to jump from a 32 on PR’s diagnostic to a 36 on the real deal. There’s no need for 4 standardized tests a week.</p>
Ok thanks! So more study rules less practice tests</p>
<p>Is this better?
Monday - study basic rules and vocab, and read</p>
<p>Tuesday - take act test, grade</p>
<p>Wednesday - look over EVERY question and do similar missed questions</p>
<p>Thursday - do more similar missed questions and read</p>
<p>Friday - take act test, grade</p>
<p>Saturday - look over EVERY question and do similar missed questions</p>
<p>Sunday - do more similar missed questions and read</p>
<p>Did you mean to put SAT test for Friday? There is probably no reason to take practice ACT exams twice in one week.
Also I would suggest using Thursdays/Sundays to not only do more questions and read, but only work on vocab, study all of the little math things that will come into play in the hardest questions, and work on writing essays (something often overlooked in test prep!)</p>
I decided that i’ll just study for the PSAT after the act</p>
<p>@austin23 Ah, well in that case, you might want to consider taking Fridays as an off day and doing maybe specific review on Saturdays (like math, since you’re aiming for a 36!) or even just a second day off.
If you try and do 2 full length practice tests per week, you’ll quickly run out of official ACT-published ones.</p>
<p>Your second ACT schedule is fine. However, on your chance thread, didn’t you say you got a 36?
<p>chance thread says you got a 36 36 34 36.
Don’t make up scores and up and put them on chances. Not only will it not help you but its unethical </p>
<p>Just chance the stats. I want to see what my chances are before it’s too late to do anything about it.</p>
<p>I don’t get where you’re going with this. Your chances would be irrelevant due to the fact that a potential 34 and a 36 are totally different. I really don’t care, but I think it’s better to make a chance thread with your real stats to see where you are instead of a thread filled with your hopes and dreams. </p>