serious replies please, desperate for attention

<p>Gender: M
Ethnicity: Asian
Location: California
College Class Year: 2013
High School: Public</p>

My school blocks the gpa at 4.32, but if i were to continue augmenting it, I would have around a 4.92
Class Rank: 1/554
Course selection:
Freshman Year:
AP Human Geography 5
Alg II, Physics, Spanish III</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
AP European History 5
AP Spanish Language 4
AP Biology 4
Trig/Precalc Honors</p>

<p>Junior Year:
AP Calc AB 5
AP Music Theory 3
AP US History 5
AP Spanish Literature 3 (Independent Study) (I actually had a class period for this, but I was the only student and it was me independently reading the required readings)
AP Chemistry 3
AP English Language 4</p>

<p>Then I also independently studied AP Art History 3 and AP World History 5(very similar to AP Euro) and took both of those exams too</p>

<p>(Senior Year):
AP Calc BC
AP Enviro Science
AP Eng. Lit
AP Gov (Both comparative and US)
AP Physics C (although i am independently study for 'B' too and take all 3 exams)
AP Statistics
AP Computer Science AB (or A if AB is discontinued)</p>

<p> also taking both AP Econ exams because of Academic Decathlon and am going to study the AP Psychology curriculum over winter break
i am very likely to get the AP State Scholar award if i take this many exams
i have already received the AP National Scholar award junior year</p>

SAT 2210 800 math 720 writing 690 cr
ACT -32
Math II: 780
US History: 740
Biology Molecular: 730
Chemistry: 710</p>

-Math Team captain 4 years
-Middle Eastern Indian Club Leader for 2 years
--Science Olympiad Chairperson and placed 1st-2nd in regional and state events (9th-12th grades)
-MUN Secretary general for my school and participation for 4 years
-Piano for 10 years
-Tennis all 4 years of highschool
-UCSF Summer Biomed REsearch internship = i worked with ovarian cancer cells and tissue culture and how the drug Orlistat and Doxorubicin affect these cells
- have 12 credits (units) at community college for classes i took last summer
-Relay for life club -4 years American Cancer Society
-150 volunteer hours at hospital
-Academic Decathlon Senior Year - my school always wins 1st in regionals and 3rd in state for the past 14 years</p>

-I have 2 great teachers who'll write me recommendations</p>

<p>Colleges of interest
Stanford Early Action
John Hopkins
UC Berkeley
UC Merced
UC Irvine</p>

<p>I'm planning on double majoring in South Asian Studies and BIOchem or i might change one to political science
so where do i have the greatest chance? thanks</p>

<p>Sweet christ that is a lot of AP classes. You definately are competitive for every single college on your list. Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, and MIT are reaches for everyone who applies but I think you should get into at least one if not more of these schools. Every other school I could definately see you getting in. Brown, Duke, Dartmouth, and so on look like great targets. You'll probably get into all the UC schools, probably get into half of the remaining non HYPSM schools, and one HYPSM. </p>

<p>South Asian studies and biochem? You might consider writing down a different major combination considering south asian studies and biochem are totaly unrelated, and if I was a betting man I would bet you wouldn't be graduating with those degrees anyways. Also, everyone, their mom, and their dog is majoring in political science right now. I don't know why it is so popular. Good luck!</p>

<p>bump bump bump please please please</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>You will definetly get into at least half of those, and are very competitive at all.</p>

<p>in at:
John Hopkins
UC Merced
UC Irvine</p>

<p>Probably in at the rest too, but they are reaches for everyone.</p>

<p>bump bump bump bump bump</p>

<p>except for HPD, which are crapshoots, looking good</p>

<p>here's me: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>bump bump bump thanks</p>

<p>hmmm, are you sure you took enough AP classes?</p>

<p>Harvard.....LARGE REACH
Stanford Early Action.......LARGE REACH
Princeton.....LARGE REACH
Brown....Low Reach
Duke.....high Match
Dartmouth.....Low Reach
MIT.......High REACH
John Hopkins.....high Match
UC Berkeley.........IN
UC Merced........IN
UC Irvine.........IN</p>

<p>I say this because a Senior from my school last year took even harder courses and more APs than you (a lot of self study), had a flawless GPA, was captain of many clubs, etc, 2300+ SAT applied to almost all the schools you applied to and only got into UC Berkeley out of state.</p>

<p>He's there right now. Anyways, I think from him, it can be derived that you should NEVER discount the importance of EC's, Essays, and Recommendations. I think it was his essays that killed him because he was a an average writer at best and probably didn't put too much thought into his essays because of his GPA and stats.</p>

<p>serious responses only thanks</p>

<p>I'm sorry, I was just teasing you :)</p>

<p>You're definitely in at the 3 UC's, and probably in at JHU, and Northwestern, and Duke. I wouldn't be surprised if you got into Dartmouth and Brown...but as for MIT, Harvard, and Princeton, it's too hard to say. Those schools are a reach for everyone, no matter how smart you are, admissions is a crapshoot. Rest assured you will end up at an amazing college no matter what, with your credentials.</p>

<p>thanks stargazerlilies haha

<p>I would say your in all of those schools, some more easily than others. Can u chance me back: What are my chances of getting into Georgia Tech?</p>

<p>Hope2getrice, you're being pretty harsh. If this person takes his/her application seriously, I think that at most all the schools on her list are at the most reach. No HIGH or BIG in all caps.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>i'm a "him" btw lol it's alright</p>

<p>bump bupm bump bump bump thanks</p>

<p>bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump

<p>I think you're in at the UCs, and you will get into 2 of the top tier colleges that you are applying to. Did you spend a lot of time with your ECs? If not, your essay better be amazing for you to be competitive.</p>

<p>chance me?
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>