Seriously, I'm AVERAGE!! LAST chance ever!

<p>I don't have a 5.0 GPA or a 2400.. and I do not want to go to Harvard. This is my last chance thread and I want to know where I stand before I apply.</p>

<p>Grade: Junior
Graduating: 2008
Ethnicity: White
High School: Sends some grads to top schools (yale, mit, some to duke, georgetown, usc, BC, etc.)
Ecomomic Status: Middle-Class/Will Apply for fin. Aid</p>

<p>GPA: 3.37UW, 3.595W
Class Rank: Top 20%.. 65/330
SAT: 1710/2400 (1110/1600) 590CR 520M 600W
(Retaking in oct. to hopefully go up 90-100 pts)</p>

<p>Freshman: All college classes
Soph: 2 Honors, 3 college, 1 elective
Junior: 2 AP, 2 Honors, 1 college, 1 elective
Senior: 1 AP, 2 Honors, 3 academic electives (Phsyc, Business, etc)</p>

<p>-Varsity Hockey (9 10 11 12, Senior Leader, 4X letterman)
-Hockey Intramural (10 11 12)
-Summer Hockey Camp (Summer 06)</p>

<p>-Stock & Investments Club (10 11 12, President senior year)
Placed in top 10% in 06 and top 18% in 07 (in the state)
-Community Awareness Club (11 12, Senior Leader and possibly chairman)
-National Spanish Honor Society (11 12, Secretary senior year)
-Tutoring in Spanish (11, 12)
-Student council (9 10 11 12)
-Other random comm. service opportunities</p>

<p>-Job at Law Office (2 years)
-Lawyer Shadowing (Summer 07)
-Internship w/ Lawyer (Summer 07)
-Internship at Marketing company (Summer 06)
-Have own web/graphic design business (4 years)
-Job bussing tables at a restaraunt (1 year)</p>

USC (Submitting Part 1 app.)
Loyola Marymount University (Early Notification)
U Miami (EA)
U Florida (Priority Date)
U San Diego (EA)
U San Fran (EA)
Suffolk University (EA)
Umass Amherst (EA)</p>

<p>yo hey man-remember me? we exchanged essays
anyway to ur chances...
UF is gonna be tough if your OOS, heck its getting tough for instate kids due to every top florida student looking at it all googlyeyed due to bright futures making tutition free, so that might be a reach for u.
USC and UM will also be tough, so you need to do everything you can to get those scores up to about 1250-1300 and let your essays due the rest of the talking
As for Umass and the rest, they are pretty safe bets, maybe if your such a hockey stud, BU might be a good place to look at too</p>

<p>ps-can u chance mine? im trying to get a gauge where im at and am having trouble with people responding</p>

<p>forgot to mention that I'm going the law route so probably political science/pre-law</p>

<p>What is your residency?</p>


Loyola Marymount University (Early Notification)--Match to Slight Reach (probably match with all those ECs)
U Miami (EA)--Slight Reach
U Florida (Priority Date)--Reach (OOS)
U San Diego (EA)--Match
U San Fran (EA)--Safe Match to Match
Suffolk University (EA)--Safety
Umass Amherst (EA)--Match</p>

<p>thank you that was very helpful. any other predictions? usc-- is it a possible reach or basically just a toss up?</p>

<p>I would say you have a better chance of winning Keno than getting into USC. Your scores aren't even in the ballpark, way below the 25% mark, and they only accept 25% of their applicants in the first place.</p>

<p>Florida is very unlikely. Admission is very competitive for OOSers, as they are a public school and give preference to in-state applicants, meaning you would need to be above average to be considered for admission. 77% of the accepted applicants had a 3.75 or higher, and 91% had a 3.5 or higher. Your SAT scores are also below their 25% marks.</p>

<p>Miami is a reach, probably not getting in there, as you don't have the scores or the grades. 74% had a 3.75 or higher, 87% had a 3.5 or higher. Your SAT scores are below their 25% marks.</p>

<p>UMass will accept you, safe match. You fit the typical accepted applicant. Same with U San Francisco.</p>

<p>LMU is 50/50, probably leaning towards acceptance. Scores are in-range. Similar for U San Diego.</p>

<p>Suffolk is a safety. You'll get in there.</p>

<p>REACH: Miami, USC, Florida
SAFETY: Suffolk</p>

<p>Thanks for the information. I understand both USC and U Florida are extreme reaches. I'm only applying to USC to see what happens and I am not really expecting anything. I am also just seeing what happens at U Florida, I would rather go to most of the other colleges on my list that there.
My main schools that I see to be atleast realistic are Miami, LMU, USD, Umass, USF, and Suffolk.
I'm very concerned with LMU, I really want to go here and will probably end up there if accepted.</p>

<p>Also, are there any other schools I should consider?</p>

<p>bump (10chars)</p>

<p>It's about 50-50. You are slightly below LMU's average test scores and GPA (3.6, 1180, you have a 3.4, 1110), and they normally accept about 50% of their applicants. Just apply, either it will happen or it won't. Just know you have a decent chance, which is better than USC, Florida, and Miami. </p>

<p>I would put Miami up there with Florida and USC in your chances of getting in, average GPA for Miami is a 4.0 (weighted) and a 1260 SAT. Florida has the exact same average GPA and test scores as Miami. USC's average GPA is a 3.7 (unweighted), but they have a good 100 points more on their avereage SAT (1355). I think I should have put Florida and Miami as a REACH, and USC as a BIG REACH.</p>

<p>When I went to tour LMU the admission councilor noted the average GPA as 3.4.. i think it does say 3.6 on the website though.</p>

<p>USC: Big Reach</p>

<p>U Miami: Reach
U San Diego: Reach
U Florida: Reach</p>

<p>Amherst: Match
U San Francisco: Match
LMU: Match</p>

<p>Suffolk: Safety</p>

<p>By the way...if you're looking to a school similar to one like USC, USD, and LMU, you might want to check out Chapman or Redlands in SoCal. They would probably be Matches for you.</p>

<p>bump (10chars)</p>

<p>He's applying for the University of San Diego, not UC San Diego (two different schools), just in case there was a misunderstanding on anyone's part.</p>

<p>He would be a reach at UCSD, but is a match at Univ of San Diego in my view.</p>

<p>Oh, and I agree with A2Wolves6--applying to USC is, unfortunately, a waste of the application fee. Do well at the other schools and transfer if you really want to go to USC. I also agree that Chapman is similar in feel to USC, although smaller. (I don't know the University of Redlands well enough to comment on it).</p>

<p>You think you're "average?" Are you serious? Do you understand what "average" across the U.S. is? I live in MA as well. You are in the lower stratosphere. I just don't get achievement junkies who call themselves "average." What's wrong with this picture? Where to TRULY average kids go to college?</p>

<p><em>do</em> TRULY....</p>

<p>Well my stats are pretty average on CC.. I consider myself average after seeing people with 4.95 and 2380 SATs</p>
